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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. Does anyone have a working rust profile please?
  2. I'm fully aware you have to delete those files. I'm after a working Tca csgo config/template that works with the csgo workshop
  3. Hello, I've tried and failed to get the default csgo template to work with the csgo workshop!! Can someone who has a working windows CSGO template that is working with the workshop ( authkey , workshop start map , collection) upload this for my use please. Many Thanks for your help in advanced
  4. Thanks For the update @MrMike - everything is working ok on our TCA Install after update
  5. Trying this now - will report back EDIT - does nothing
  6. Still Erroring - See Below : GameModes_Server.txt Anyone else having this issue?
  7. Has anyone managed to get the map de_nuke_ve working When i join the server to download it from my Fast DL - im getting My Gamemodes_Server.txt my Servers Command Line Note : The starting map de_aztec_lg works fine - when i change the map to nuke_ve it errors as above Can anyone assist?
  8. In the command line use -maxplayers_override instead of maxplayers
  9. How do you update the servers on TCA From a clients point of view?
  10. Thanks! Its Working :cool:cool
  11. Thanks ECF Is it a case of Download and upzipping and putting our Lieence File into the TS3 ROOT fOLDER? and setting up TCA
  12. Does TS3 Need a Game Config/Template?
  13. Ok - Look Forward TCA Confirming if it should remove the files?
  14. Hey Guys i have put a Mod into my CSS Profile - its in TCA Mods folder in my CSS Games Folder Called eslplugin Admin Panel : I Installed it using the TCA Panel for the CSS Server - the files copied ok - however when i hit uninstall its saying its completed however the files havn't been deleted! Mod Manager File Manager : What have I Done wrong ? - Why its the uninstall Function Working? Ive also tried zipping the file - tho same outcome..
  15. You Can change the Location yourself? the Save the Template - Then Restart your MW3 Servers
  16. Create a Folder And put hldsupdatetool.exe on there - Then create a BAT File and put "hldsupdatetool.exe" -command update -game "modernwarfare3" -dir . in the bat then save and run then leave it it will say no installation found at ./ as the MW3 Files aren't there
  17. Ive currently got 6 Servers up
  18. Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP, Game Port 28990 4nothing By AMD Can anyone connect to this Ip Please?
  19. Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 28990, auth port 8766, query port 27014, gamedir modernwarfare3, version whats the port after the IP is it "Game port?"
  20. WHOOOOOO! We have Lift off
  21. Im just using the MW3 Dedicated Server Files to run it? do you also need the Mw3 Multiplayer Files awell?
  22. im getting that when i just use a short cut in windows can you please upload ur bat file?
  23. Thanks - Can you please upload your server.cfg please?
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