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Everything posted by strikeR-

  1. hi,


    can you send me your contact (email or skype)?


    Need to talk to you about your tcadmin integration on whmcs



  2. We won't use the fastdownload system untill have one option to use it on some clientes. Our clients pay to have fastdownloads so the system atm provide to all, and that not interest to us.
  3. Hi, It's important to have one option to enable only on clients that payed for the fastdownloads and not on all. Some companys have that option on their services. And the option to bz2 the files either, because this only works fine to all non orangebox games :/ Regards,
  4. Hi, It's important to have one option to enable only on clients that payed for the fastdownloads and not on all. Some companys have that option on their services. Regards,
  5. Intel® Xeon® CPU E5430 @ 2.66Ghz (2 Processor) Don't have problems on my Intel® Core i7 CPU 860 @ 280Ghz
  6. The last update doesn't solve the cpu performance error. It's just me with this problem ?
  7. Hi, Anyone stills with the problem: Invalid server configuration - insufficient cpu performance 5.2204 ghz for 12 With a bat file it works, by service not. I have already change the user and the priority of service but the error is allways, with this new patch it's permanent error now. Anyone with this problem too? http://www.callofduty.com/message/105998801
  8. Can you create servers with 14 slots+ ? Only can run it with a bat file, if I run by Service it stops on: Invalid Server configuration - insufficient cpu performance for 14 clients.
  9. Where I can found the files or it will be with the game ?
  10. It will be possible to have dedicated servers?
  11. Nice one. I had detect 3 bugs: - When one game servers is moved to other remote the install scripts don't run (like open firewall, etc) - The Description of the game mods aren't listed on the client side. - The variables option add automatically a space between it, on America's Army it can't have spaces on command line (need the option to add or not the space like on the v1). Regards
  12. Someone are having port used problems after this upgrade of Source ? Regards,
  13. It's working fine, i have tested it now. Regards,
  14. does anyone have one working config? this one posted didnt work... i only can put a server online manually, have some problem on the pannel... Regards
  15. I have one problem with my dedicated server. I start it manualy and the console have some delay putting the messages and starting the server. After that when the server is online the players cant join the server. They take the message attached on this post. I dont know what are my server problem, i have all others servers working 100% with no ping and no delay. Can someone help me ?
  16. I have use i done all of it already, but my servers have one problem. They are lagging and saying: "Invalid Time: the run of 'player x' have been ignored". I host others servers like cs, css, tmn, and they don't have this kind of lag. Someone knows what's my problem? CPU are at 30%. Regards
  17. But that is a config for MTA not for SAMP, what about SAMP on TCAdmin ? It's possible to make one server with that ?
  18. Someone have one 100% work config of trackmania for us ? Please !
  19. Nice, but i dont saw any config on this forum, can you help me with the configuration of that server ? I have already the server files, but i think that my problem is that the TCADMIN don´t have the game compability on the scrool option to put trackmania :s I have the same problem with San Andreas (SAMP) because MTASA is working fine! Summarizing: - What's the Default Server port ? 2350 ? - What's the Default Query port ? 2350 ? - What's the Default Rcon port ? - What's the Game Compatibility to put ? - The config file is the same that i see on package of file server ? with "<> & </>" ? Thank you and i'm waiting for your pleased help
  20. And so, it's possible make a trackmania server with TCAdmin ? Answer plz
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