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  1. It's kinda sad, when I first joined and for a good time afterwards we all worked together to make sure that every person on this forum got what they needed to succeed. Now the majority don't offer up shiz without $ changing hands. Makes me sick.
  2. It's actually the UE web admin that's been around since uhm ... 99 maybe but I digress. Thanks for sharing your config, I'll take a look at it.
  3. I'll build one next week when I get access. I'm not on TWI's mailing list (someone want to PM me that, lol) so I've got to wait like the rest of the public. I've got orders lined up, looks like this will sell well.
  4. server will always display 64 slots if maxPlayers is >64 and server is empty
  5. If we can get it working faster they may officially support it sooner.
  6. Settings -> Games and other -> 7d2d (whatever you named it) -> GameTracker banners -> click refresh list next to 'type' drop down.
  7. change +ip to -ip in commandline
  8. Here's mine for Windows Insurgency2 - Windows.xml
  9. 3 times http://thewebsiteisdown.com/
  10. I'm not sure if it's bad reporting or what but, I've always seen this and it's never been a problem.
  11. Did you let your license lapse at any point? If so put in a ticket and Luis will correct the problem.
  12. I don't see Razio's so here's mine. Insurgency2 - Windows.xml
  13. It's pretty easy. Make sure you already are running the latest update. Backup DB, user and game directories, and any theme changes. On new machine do fresh install of TCA2 connecting to copy of DB you backed up. Copy all game and user files into same directory structure as on old machine. Run GameTools -> Verify / Repair accounts Should be it, I've done it a few times.
  14. I'm in the same boat. Subscription is current.
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