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Ragonz last won the day on May 31 2020

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  1. installing onto Centos stream 9 runs into No Match for argument: mono-complete No match found for argument: mono-basic No match found for argument: xsp Error: unable to find a match: mono-complete mono-basic xsp [ERROR] mono installation failed. No rush as I was just playing with centos 9 as a dev machine
  2. A suggestion for the new MVC workshop A selection of views, condensed (like the old ASPX one), expanded (the current MVC one) and a list. We have some customers who very much dislike the new MVC workshop.
  3. In the game template untick "Get service name from hostname"
  4. Yea thats not what the file manager is for, if you have mods that are popular add them to the mod manager so people can install them in one click You could probably do what you want using scripts wget + variable for users to enter web url's but allowing people to download whatever they want straight to your servers is a huge security risk (TCAdmin does not do antivirus)
  5. So the file manager is for users to look at their gameserver files/edit them/download them, the file manager is not somthing you would use to download files from anything other than the gameserver. If the files you want to download are mods to the game, you can download other files by using the mod system in tcadmin https://help.tcadmin.com/Mods
  6. you can force to log already, just add -logfile $[Service.RootDirectory]valheim_server_Data\output_log.txt Has anyone encountered servers just wiping progress on stop/restart? I know there is a bug in the game currently but are there any other causes? just want to do due dilligence.
  7. Annoyingly I can no longer edit the original post New addition - Config editor "Restores" (ie. A way a client can go back to a prior version of their config file after they have inevitably messed it up)
  8. we won't be using MVC until more has been converted to it and out testing instances work better than what we have currently but we are looking forward to plugins.
  9. New addition: Ability to copy custom commandlines so that users with complex commandlines can copy a previously made one then make edits to it rather than having to re-create their settings in a new custom commandline.
  10. New Addition: Ability to delete multiple mods at the same time rather than having to go into each one and delete individually. (also tie deletion permissions into new granular system)
  11. This game is a pain in the [insert word here] I engineered a method to start/stop redis based on pid rather than the sensible way of just renaming it. Redis comes with Atlas files from steamcmd, yes create a script that runs before start to start up redis with your config file (use a different config name than the standard as it will be overwritten by steam) then use a after stop script to kill redis.
  12. So pleased they finally got this sorted, only took 8 months of badgering them via email
  13. give it a billing ID in tcadmin then just use the normal API's to disable a billing ID?
  14. New Additions: Granular permissions so we can pick who has access to what Rule detection direct messages, set tcadmin to put a message to the user as a "must be viewed" message within tcadmin rather than an email
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