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Everything posted by DJSean00

  1. Is that what the Web console should look like now?
  2. ?bRawSockets If you can't specify those ports 7777/7778 that could get interesting
  3. Well that and how do you communicate to everyone what their ports are?
  4. How are we going to handle this?
  5. Hi Guys, Would be good if you had the same ability to do update messages the same was you can do them for Mod installations. Have exactly the same feature in Mods for messages in the Updates button section. Sean
  6. Did anyone end up getting the Query working for this?
  7. Another question is how do you force TCAdmin to add rcon port +1 to deployed servers?!
  8. Hmm I get a blank black screen with Web console enabled. and get "The requested address is not valid in its context"
  9. Has anyone managed to get the web console working? I wouldn't even know where to look..
  10. Mines also unanswered, Guessing the only way around this is ensuring the repositories/Game files are updated manually and frequently.
  11. Wow well I take a little comfort in that I'm not the only one.. I've got tickets into Steam about it, anyone else get a response from them?
  12. Didn't know that was something you could do out of steam?
  13. Hi Dennis, No luck I'm afraid, what we've tried is the following: 1. Check our steam account and ensure steam guard is turned ON 2. Login to one of our nodes and run steamcmd from the desktop 3. Login using our login details, prompted for the Steam Guard code, add it and logs in fine. 4. Once done, close SteamCMD and deploy a test server to the same node. Fails again code 65.
  14. Hi Guys, Thanks for the replies Ben - Yes I do, it wouldn't come up with the error I get? Wouldn't it say no subscription? Jerome - I'm using the TCAdmin one, where do you go to do that? Dennis - How would I do that? would I steamCMD and login on every one? Thanks Guys Sean
  15. Hi Guys, All of a sudden we seem to be getting errors updating games through SteamCMD in the Game CP. When I dig deeper I see that steam Guard is turning back on after it was turned off. I login to the account in a steam client and disable it again and after one update in TCAdmin it's activated again. I tried changing it to my personal steam account and got a few goes updating before its done the same thing. Anyone else having this issue?
  16. SO we now have this easy-anti cheat thing that needs to be installed and run with every server?
  17. Has anyone worked out how to specify a world save location? They all default to AppData...
  18. Returning to the game and away from ethics for now. Anyone know how to specify the server save file location? at the moment it's saving to %appdata%
  19. Dennis is right, however god I wish I knew the query protocol LOL
  20. Hi Brad, We might be having the same issue, we have active monitoring on our HTTPS and we get a really high ping of close to 50kms and then it dies - what are your symptoms?
  21. UPDATE: Found it under the game's custom scripts - just tick to ignore errors if it's not present and no worries! Cheers to all for the help here, really appreciate it. Sean
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