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Everything posted by NoDoze

  1. I figure out how to create my own installer
  2. I know this is an old thread, hence the reason for my question... Is it possible to add to this auto installer? I wanted to add more recent Redist to the installer, it's a great help. Thanks
  3. Does the game require a token like with csgo?
  4. I believe he said "plugin"...
  5. Yes, 376030. I guess I'll delete everything and redownload/zip.
  6. Yes, exactly. I'm not talking about an active server, I'm talking about when the dedicated server files are downloaded, then zipped. The size is currently 18.56GB. Not normal? So....sounds like for new installs, you are downloading the files directly from Steam and NOT downloading it ahead of time and zipping them, as tcadmin does with all game files...?
  7. Ark 18.56GB zipped. Is that what other people are getting these days? Ridiculous the size is now! Uugh! Anyone hear if they plan on reducing the size any time soon?
  8. I thought it was only me!?! LOL We've been using "unofficial" releases since Even though TCAdmin 2 is beta, I've always wondered why are the "official" versions not updated more often???
  9. If it's not finding any files to sync, the directory structure is incorrect.
  10. Just saw this... We use 203290 for the AAPG appid.
  11. With those games it's better to be safe than sorry and to go with Windows. Updates and mods all run first on Windows, then later released on Linux, if they work at all.
  12. Import Error: The column 'mod_id' does not belong to the table : tc_game_links
  13. you're talking about in tcadmin, correct? That occurs because the numeric value in the db either is rounding up or not set to take the zeros after the . You can change the number format in the db. Doing this via phpmyadmin is the best method. Now...What is this entry for?
  14. Curious. How is ArkRemote different than tcadmin? So the customer doesn't need to logon to tcadmin to manage the server? Seams like a waste to have another admin portal, no?
  15. Has anyone gotten Dota 2 Reborn working? I feel like I'm spinning my wheels trying to get it to work... Thanks!
  16. No wonder why you never replied! LOL Game config questions belong, well, in the game config section What do you mean by "loaded password"? Are you talking about password protecting the server? Or the auth password? Are you talking about in the command line? Or in the ini file?
  17. Well, since I got no help or insight, I ended up just ftping the files to a web server and hosting them from there.
  18. Has anyone got the PB Screenshots working from a URL? It's supposed to be: http://ServerIP/7778 The pb web portal is working on 9000 with no issues. What I don't understand is why are there so many places to set these settings? pb_sv_httpPort pb_sv_httpAddr Same setting names but located in multiple files: pbsvuser.cfg - I believe is for the web portal settings. pbsv.cfg - I beleive is for the PB Screenshots? I asked tcadmin support, but they said it's not a permissions issue because built in web servers are managed by the game and automatically set/open to work. What am I missing...?
  19. Sorry I've never seen those errors before... Can you provide more info like what OS you're using?
  20. Though 2gb is still high, it's much better than the 5gb it used to be! If it's just the foliage, it should be easily optimized. Glad to hear it's improved some.
  21. Has the memory leak been resolved with this game?
  22. FYI latest update breaks this config. It gives a "Start Error"
  23. After the last update, a slot count of 8 is appearing as 28 in tcadmin!?! And I think it's running as 28 because the CPU usage is a lot higher now. serverconfig.xml files all have maxplayers as 8. Happening to anyone else? Or is it a bug? Thanks!
  24. Got it working! Had to specify the working directory: AAPG\Binaries\win32\ Thanks to Luis However, now the protocol isn't working.... Protocol is UT3 Rcon protocol AmericasArmy Appears in the steam browser correctly.
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