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Everything posted by Goran

  1. Its under "Query Monitoring" -> "Slot detection" in every game template.
  2. Now it's working but I encountered another error. Under Security I added the hostnames which can connect to the panel which is also active for ftp. I logged to panel successfuly but when I tried connecting to ftp, console printed the following error: Invalid IP for user Admin: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx When I removed all the ip's from the Security I could connect to ftp. Maybe there's something wrong with security or similar since the ip which was blocked was indeed the same as in the provided hostname.
  3. Hanged to me, but that's was a firewall issue. Centos has bult in firewall, did you check it by execing: setup in ssh?
  4. did you try to kill the app by using top? is selinux disabled? execute setup in console and see.
  5. yeh i had that problem, you need to open ports in your firewall. http://help.tcadmin.com/Frequently_Asked_Questions
  6. I can view it all the time, it's actually saved but it doesn't let me login
  7. Can you try binding tcadmin to another port? Just to see if the port change is working?
  8. did you restart the monitor after configuring this? Are you sure that you don't have apache running? ( if a linux machine). If you rented a vps somewhere they usually have apache pre-installed. try executing service httpd status
  9. Could you limit the display of update icon? So it's displayed only when there are updates visibile to customer?
  10. You need to edit the configuration file which is in Tcadmin /Monitor folder. edit the tcadmin-config file. change the WEB_PORT to 80
  11. TCAdmin Version: Machine Specs: Quad core Xeon Database Type: MYSQL OS : Centos 5 x64 Problem: "My profile" (Admin) -> "FTP Settings" -> Added new Virtual directory on a Master server (Linux), set the path, permissions, virtual directory name. When I try to login via ftp I'm getting these errors: - admin cannot login - admin doesn't have any virtual directories. When clicking on "FTP Settings" tab in My profile" (Admin) -> "FTP Settings" I'm getting the message : - No settings yet... When you click "Save" on the same page and go back to "Custom virtual directories you don't see anything ( as shown in attach ).
  12. VPS -> MySQL, mono, tcadmin (master) DEDIS -> tcadmin (remote)
  13. You can use the database created by cpanel account without any problems. However you need to have the root access in order to install and start tcadmin.
  14. It's great but we will wait for some plugins like security.
  15. I didn't had any problems with centos, easy and clean installation! You can try it out it's very nice.
  16. TCAdmin Version: Machine Specs: Quad core Xeon Database Type: MYSQL OS : Centos 5 x64 Problem: There's an infinite loading when trying to do the following things ( Update icon just keep's spinning forever ): - trying to update the software - trying to delete the update from game configuration - "Update existing services" under any game results in blank "Update services" window - Clicking on "About" results in "Last Error: (-500) Client error (The request timed out)" - trying to remove the variable from the game configuration ( variable gets removed but you need to click on "Variables" link again )
  17. I assume you installed mysql from somewhere ( http://www.mysql.com ), in the installation process you need to set the root password for the mysql server. When installation is done follow these steps: 1. Open command prompt 2. Execute enter your root password 3. Execute 4. Execute 5. Execute 6. Exit the mysql by typing quit and pressing enter. Import the db as LFA said, you are done!
  18. What did you choose under "Database" when you were configuring tcadmin for the first time? If you choose mysql then you need to create the database, user and import the MySQL.sql located in Database folder of tcadmin installation. After, you need to enter the db user, db password, db host when configuring tcadmin.
  19. Hm no. What could be handy is : - 1 configuration file - Several configuration file profiles ( profiles stored in db, on activation saved to main/server.cfg ) So I have 1 file and several profiles of the same file stored in db, used on demand.
  20. No, but then I need to interact to create the command line for user etc. What I ment is to provide an ability for him to create several profiles for chosen configuration file, by this way he can just select the profile he wants and restart the game server.
  21. Is it possible to create several profiles based on choosen configuration file. Example: Call of duty 4 server has server.cfg which is created at game server creation time. I want to create 3 different profiles based on server.cfg which will be stored in database, let's call them: CTF profile TDM profile WAR profile When I activate one of the profiles it overwrites main/server.cfg file and restarts the server. This will save a lot of configuration time and changes.
  22. You don't need IIS , v2 has its own web server
  23. http://help.tcadmin.com/Installation
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