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Everything posted by Goran

  1. Yes, however the list of unneeded files is at http://wiki.modsrepository.com/index.php/Call_of_Duty_8:_Unranked_Server_Files which will narrow the install to approx 7GB
  2. 13GB install , fs_homepath and fs_savepath not working, good job.
  3. Did you try to download the new hldsupdatetool?
  4. With latest update everything will and is located in "css" folder, change the paths in "Service settings" and "Supported games" in order to create correct paths when creating a new server. Furthemore you can copy/paste the addons from "orangebox" to newly downloaded "css" folder.
  5. Seems that you do, Come stai oggi bobby?
  6. Well create let's say a folder in /home/ called "downloads" - enter the folder by using "cd /home/downloads" use "wget" to download the .rpm
  7. Did you download the tcadmin-2-bi.x86_64.rpm to the same folder you are executing the command from?
  8. Goran

    UTF-8 support

    LOl yes, neat template!
  9. You need to get licensed , take a look at http://www.teamspeak.com
  10. which game are we talking about here, what's the command line.
  11. probably a wrong named map in maprotation.
  12. - Bulk Actions ( checkboxes with multiple actions : stop, suspend, delete, start, restart ) for following pages: Game services, Voice services, Users ) - Restart Monitor under "Servers" page. - Small summary when logged in as customer like : Active Game services, Active Voice services. This could be achieved by adding modules to customers area, so each gsp can adjust to his likings. - Recurring tasks ? add option to create ironphyton and bash scripts which could be run at set time.
  13. Goran

    GameQuery Tool

    OS: Centos 5.5 x64 Machine : Quad core Xeon Custom firewall : CSF Ports for gamequery opened : Yes - GameQuery Tool doesn't display number of players and cvars when querying Bad company 2 servers - GameQuery Tool doesn't display number of players for Half ? life 2 new protocol
  14. FYI, after the update all stopped servers are getting started.
  15. Goran

    cs1.6 server

    Put half-life 2 new as query protocol.
  16. execute: stats? or you mean limit and be notified when user changes it?
  17. 1 file with several profiles ( ghost copies stored in database ). Customers can have multiple variations of the same file, configurations for leagues as ESL, CB and so on , so forth. Image attached.
  18. you will need to complete re-install, I had the same problem and re-installation solved it..
  19. Should he do some chowning? I didn't had the chance to create some game servers on linux so I don't know if tcadmin is creating a user for each game server / account. If this is the case, you need to transfer the files and chown them. like: chown -R username:usergroup /home/username/
  20. Importing keys like in V1 would be great. Importing Crysis 2 keys one-by-one is taking a long time. Also adding key's auto-import when importing the game would be great.
  21. I think that $[PrivatePassword] is not beeing replaced when private rule isn't set.
  22. you can leave them in folders or .zip / .rar files
  23. If you don't have many services to transfer you can use V2. Keep in mind that v2 is still missing the following: Game switching Secondary applications Sub users Support system News system Remote servers assigned to users External file servers Custom links System monitor Security plugin Reports If you don't use those go ahead What I'm currently doing is getting the panel populated with all the games which we host at v1, checking the config's, creating an instance of every game and looking how it's doing. When everything has been checked and Security plugin has been released then I'm definately moving to v2.
  24. Medal of honor -> you need to buy and upload Americas Army -> http://manual.americasarmy.com/index.php/Servers
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