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Everything posted by Goran

  1. You need the files, get the files and place them in corresponding folder on the target machine
  2. the worst thing is, it only supports 4 players? Is it worth the pain? I think there is some mode which supports 4v4 deathmatch.
  3. Short report of CPU usage by Alien Swarm: 1-2% of CPU while round is in process. 8-13% of CPU while changing map Kind high CPU usage for loading a new level.
  4. Also the server.cfg template file has few spelling errors. I fixed it a bit. ( thanks violent ) Alien Swarm.txt
  5. server.cfg shouldn't be in /alienswarm/cfg/ place it in : /swarm/cfg/
  6. server is created when you transfer the files, unzip them in the GameInstalls\cod4 and then create the server with Tcadmin. Tcadmin already has cod4 configuration files all you need is to place the files in the right folders and click "Create new server" from the Tcadmin panel.
  7. As I saw today steam automaticcly downloaded the update for the server.
  8. Hi all, My 1.3 is working very nice, I even made lines for "Cmd line changer" so your customer can totally configure it, ofcourse without configuring player slots, ip , port and query port. I attached the config. If anyone has anything to add I would be pleased. Goran Unreal Tournament 3.txt
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