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Streamline Servers

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Everything posted by Streamline Servers

  1. Interesting idea. How are you handling authentication? Does an administrator have to login etc?
  2. Gametracker rarely responds to inquiries, unfortunately. Getting them to download updated GEOIP databases is like pulling teeth. Plus one for getting your own system integrated though.
  3. Files aren't on STEAM yet for servers. You need to pull them manually from here:
  4. Good release for the community. Though I did notice a couple of security things you might want to remove and re-upload. I've sent you an email
  5. Definitely easy to miss. We noticed the same, had to deploy a MYSQL cluster system to share the load across multiple MYSQL nodes.
  6. Awesome, will schedule a time to update again
  7. Issue with the update (at least for us). Causing all custom scripts to no longer work. Ticket raised to Luis, he is looking into a fix. I would suggest against updating until the fix is released.
  8. We backup the entire drives that house the TCAFiles/Users/ folders. I personally don't know of any other sort of efficient way to do it. Though we run a backup server in each location usually running directly to the switch (so it doesn't cost data and has a direct connection).
  9. Not really possible when you're running R1Soft. Since it's on a different system entirely and they don't store the files in a plain format Hoping to speak to some developers soon to see if it's even possible.
  10. Unfortunately not yet. Still looking at getting an API developed for such actions. The R1Soft backups are mostly for bare-metal restores (in case of drive failure etc).
  11. We personally run full R1Soft. Though we do have an interesting setup of it, whereby user files are all kept on their own SSDs. So exclusion based works perfectly for us.
  12. I can 100% agree with this. One of the best front end developers we have personally worked with
  13. Hello Daphonic,

    Unfortunately we don't sell our game configs

  14. Yeah, the dedicated server files used to contain a lot of user files. They recently removed these, which dropped the amount of storage it used.
  15. ARK recently reduced the size massively. Initial install used to be 30GB+ as it had all user end files as well. They reduced this down to 3.35GB for Windows. It's only once people start adding mods (some are 1GB+) / massive worlds the files get a little large.
  16. I believe this is a bug in the query. We don't know of a fix currently. However websites such as: https://arkservers.net/server/ Set these users as 'connecting / unknown' so they don't get shown in the main players list.
  17. Thanks for your all your hard work Noony
  18. Never used GameCP. However we used to use a custom coded control panel. Fair to say Luis' support here made us glad we moved over.
  19. You can download them both from here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/10/530649887219814834/
  20. Ah yeah, I never bothered with ARK on Linux. There were so many issues from the start, let alone them not releasing it for a long time.
  21. Windows wasn't too hard. Day or two of staring at it to make it work I wonder if our setups of it are the same
  22. I don't think people are allowed to sell configs anymore: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11968 I could be mistaken though, @ECF is probably the best to answer this question.
  23. It sure is, I know we don't allow them
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