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Everything posted by xai

  1. Hi, are you still looking for owned whmcs licenses?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xai


      yes, I have 1 master and 3 remote licenses ... let me know how I can contact you with the details.

    3. CloudNine


      I need whmcs owned licence, not tcadmin, i've not heard of anything like remote or master for whmcs.

      So we can proceed, we need to look to transfer the licence via whmcs, what's the email account with the whmcs licence? So i can raise a query with whmcs my end for the transfer, then i could make payment via paypal and you can sign it over.


    4. xai


      oh yes, sry I mixed that up a little bit ? and sry for the late reply

      The WHMCS is still in use but should be available soon .... I will get back to you within the next days.

  2. Hi Daniel, you should be able to find the configs here Should be easy to adapt the configs for linux. If u need help let me know it Cheers Xai
  3. xai

    Arma 3 Query Protocol

    thx, will give it a try
  4. xai

    Arma 3 Query Protocol

    Hi, Anyone else having an issue with the Arma 3 Query? "Current Activity and Stats" is giving me an error. Invalid character was found. Line 14, position 23 It was working some time ago. Thanks
  5. Hi, what exact issue do you have? Is BEC closing immediately? If yes, check this thread for a fix. http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32492-bec-service-has-been-terminated/ Cheers Xai
  6. Hi, switch to nginx: http://help.tcadmin.com/Configure_the_TCAdmin_website_to_run_with_Nginx
  7. Get in touch with support. I am pretty sure Luis can tell you how to disable it without having access to the webinterface.
  8. Hi, did you try to restart the monitor service already? Cheers Xai
  9. hi, pretty much the same way as adding a windows server.
  10. Yep but have u tried to change it to local time. Btw it is UTC +2 at the moment due to daylight saving time
  11. hmm just checked it again ... everything is working like it should. Did you set the timezone correctly (mine is set to local in the profile section)? Maybe a CET/CEST issue.
  12. add the slot variable to the commandline so customers cant change it
  13. Did u try to run the server manually? Is the executable even starting without tcadmin? I guess you are missing some prerequesites like directx or some C++ redistributable
  14. Looks ok. I did the update on 2 installations (Win & Linux) and it solved the problem. You may should file a ticket. I am pretty sure Luis will be able to solve it for you. Have you tried to recreate the tasks?
  15. Hi You have to use the update tool to update to that version
  16. Hi had the same issue. Luis fixed it. /home/tcadmin/Monitor/updatetool Dont forget to update your remote servers as well.
  17. Is there any official release of the server files?
  18. The only thing you need is a script thats starting BEC and create a custom icon within TCAdmin. example: @echo off if exist bec/bec.exe goto start_bec exit :start_bec TIMEOUT /T 5 cd bec start bec.exe -f Config.cfg exit
  19. The only thing you need is a script thats starting BEC and create a custom icon within TCAdmin. example: @echo off if exist bec/bec.exe goto start_bec exit :start_bec TIMEOUT /T 5 cd bec start bec.exe -f Config.cfg exit
  20. Hi, I think there should be an Event option "Before stopped". Maybe you can create a script that is shutting down the server gracefully. Xai
  21. Ordered several servers from them always took like 5 minutes to get the server. No complaints yet
  22. Hi, you can use the "Repeat section" Item type to add admins with the configuration editor. same for the ban list and the mod list Cheers Xai
  23. A3 Altis Life works fine with mysql. https://github.com/TAWTonic/Altis-Life/tree/master/extDB-Build
  24. U could just create a batch file that is starting BEC for you. If you stop the server BEC stops automatically as it is losing the connection to the server. For now you will need a little workaround for bec (Developer decided to terminate the service) http://ibattle.org/ workaround: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32491-bec/#entry208113
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