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Everything posted by peace

  1. 4. You've got echo before del command.
  2. We used to change GameServer path for specific machine in TCA1.
  3. For those who use IIS 7+. By default Sites and Virtual Path with anonymous account of IIS don't have access to game service files because TCA2 replace ACL with only System, Administrators group and self-made user. By default IIS uses IUSR user for anonymous connections. IUSR belongs to build-in User group which doesn't have any ACL rights in game service folder by default. Fix is to add IUSR in ACL with Read rights or User group with read rights. To do so you can use next script: cacls . /T /E /G IUSR:R For IIS 6 check which user is used for anonymous account. The only problem is that you can execute it only after server is created and it will edit ACL on each file that will take some time and CPU load. I haven't tested yet but i believe you cant execute it before server is created because TCA2 first copies files to temp folder and only then creates %ThisService_RootDirectory%. Another fix will be to make anonymous account with admin group user credentials but its just insane.
  4. It creates files on server setup. Pluses are that you can add variables to that files and files will be displayed in Default Config Files section on Game Server page. Make sure u type path and file name from root.
  5. 1 more suggestion. User can manually upload his server files. F.e. he had SourceMod installed not from Game Mods but manually. In that case status of SourceMod in Game Mods is Not Installed and user wont be able install any plugins that requires SourceMod status Installed. Maybe its reasonable to make something like "Are you sure you want to install this mod anyway?" question with yes\no buttons or some other sollution. Maybe option to check whether this or that mod is installed (if not installed from Game Mods)based on file list and lines. User can run this check for all Mods or for which admin specified.
  6. I have 4500 lines translated (mostly user interface lines) and ur file contains 2500 only. ru-RU.xml
  7. Every time i restart monitor service and empty folders for all games apper in gameinstalls directory. How can I disable it? I got Local Storage option and unchecked Keep a local copy of downloaded files. In TCA1 it works fine and doesnt create empy folders, only what ive created.
  8. Are you a spell checker? How didn't i figure it out that i takes time? Product ain't free and we paid and will pay for it. It just seems logical for me that TCA1 features should be released first before new ones.
  9. We stuck with TCA1 while new hostings already use TCA2. Using both TCA1 and 2 at the same is ridiculous.
  10. You are not. Started 1.5 years ago http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=7020
  11. I create update in mods. F.e. "SourceMod 1.4.4 -> SourceMod 1.4.5 update"
  12. Doesn't work. Delere and Refresh buttons in File Manager are still in English. Ajax dropdown of Gamen Sever is also in English but all icons for Game Server page are translated.
  13. Thanks. So answer is "Yes, you can translate all phrases"? It's nice if you will make phrase search like in kayako.
  14. Hello. Is it possible to translate all phrases through web-interface/xml at this moment? F.e. i couldn't find where to translate "Delete" button in File Manager and a lot of other phrases in File Manager.
  15. +1 Make templates like in WHMCS!
  16. At least 2 threads on this forums about setting http download through iis.
  17. Yep. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=784745&page=26
  18. Try not to use * in rotations. Seems it help.
  19. Here's the error in console. ----Server Shutdown---- Steam Game Server shutdown complete When dsr file successfully loaded and map should be changed.
  20. Disabling query won't help then.
  21. In your case panel cant query server that works and restart it or server doesn't work at all (status running but actually its offline)?
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