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Everything posted by peace

  1. Here's latest config that is in use (change comments in config templates cause now they are on russian). But i guess config will be changed again when everything with ports is clear. Because there's no console in main menu and i cant check what port is actually the game connection port. HLSW and GameTracker need different ports to monitor server. Its kinda messed up. Call of Duty 8.txt
  2. As we host only 1 game type on each machine we have no archives but only folders (it reduce CPU usage on new server install) with Download Game Files from FTP Server deactivated.
  3. Change path for config files to "admin" instead of "players2".
  4. Where changelog can be found? Update deleted all config files (i believe that were with default names) from players2 folder and put stock configs in admin folder that was created...
  5. No. I hope it will be fixed in next update.
  6. Was said many times. Put steam.dll in server root directory.
  7. Yes hldsupdatetool is downloading video and other files that are needed only for client application.
  8. But it will re-download files that is deleted and again size will be about 13Gb. The only way is to have full size DS somewhere and update only that files and see what files are changed and pack them in archive for Game Updates.
  9. Will you be manually check what files are changed through steam update and make Game Update for clients?
  10. I updated my config and placed all configs back to players2 folder instead of main because hldsupdatetool checks that. And we decided not to cut server files since updates are going through hldsupdatetool which downloads these files anyway. Just need 1TB to 2TB RAID1 depending on server performance.
  11. Did any of you think why on earth they had named folder "players2"?
  12. Yes. 3 servers on 1 IP tested with config attached above.
  13. Small update. sv_maxplayers changed to sv_maxclients in CMD. Call of Duty 8.txt
  14. But with DS update that missing files will be downloaded with hldsupdatetool (Run Steam Update). An I guess you need to plan your server infrastructure counting on 14Gb instalation. 1TB RAID1 can work with 50 servers with 150Gb for user game files. And fot 10 slot server its 500 slots overall. You can add one more RAID1 at any time. Its strange that hldsupdatetool downloads video files. Maybe on next update they'll remove that files.
  15. Everything is working for me. Maybe you have another directory name. Check TCA logs.
  16. I believe that we don't need to delete some zones files because after server update that files will be downloaded automatically again.
  17. Here is updated config. Call of Duty 8.txt
  18. How did you find zone files that can be deleted? Did you manually delete files and tried to run a server?
  19. I started hldsupdatetool download too because its sad having 12gb DS. Via Steam Its possible to download localized version only.
  20. It cant be so. Original iwd files is about 6.2. And plus zone files.
  21. How do you know that some files from zone can be deleted?
  22. Ive got only russian localized version. If you can share what files can be deleted it would be very nice. Cant connect to ur server.
  23. try files.gamenest.ru/cod8.rar ill shutdown it tomorrow
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