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Everything posted by peace

  1. LOL. Can you share command line with port settings?
  2. I dont have TCA config yet. And i noticed that +set net_queryPort 27014 modifies game port but not query.
  3. Try this one. CMD: +set dedicated 2 +start_map_rotate
  4. Running ^2Moscow Test Server with a lot of players on it.
  5. It means that ur upload bandwidth is not enough. Maybe you are uploading something.
  6. Put +start_map_rotate at the end of CMD. Where should be config files placed?
  7. Where should be config files placed? Main or some other directory? With server.cfg in main folder (also tried other folders) and +set sv_config server.cfg in CMD server doesnt parse config file.
  8. Guys, where did you get server files? Downloaded DS through Steam Tools or are you using game files? No luck with DS download from Steam cause their servers are overloaded.
  9. Whats the difference between set and seta? MW3 is not available through hldsupdatetool.
  10. Have you got server files yet?
  11. 4 port settings... No progress on downloading dedicated server, steam servers are too busy.
  12. Its also official that servers are unranked (ranked only for matchmaking) and max 18 slots.
  13. I have no info about mw3 but im just curious is there any official source where all server variables can be found for cod games? Maybe some forum post or wiki on callofduty.com or somewhere else? When mw3 will be released where do we suppose to search for cvars? Never seen any official info for cod4 or cod2 server variables.
  14. Depends on game. As for cod series, dedicated servers need game install files.
  15. Its sad that dedicated servers are unranked.
  16. For us load is based on slots since we running only one type game servers on each machine.
  17. Services slot limit for machine. Like Service Limit: in TCA1.
  18. It was example. Why wont they work? I suggest because i found it useful for myself and believe that someone will find this this useful too.
  19. You can set different directories for game service installations. F.e. 1st folder named GS for game server installations and 2nd folder named Scripts is for scripts such as manu admin mod.
  20. Why not to make templates like in WHMCS? It let you to change a look and fully integrate system in any design you can imagine.
  21. I guess there's something wrong with your mono installation. P.S. You can user "service TCA2Monitor command" instead of "/home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service status"
  22. There's a lot of interface things that have been changed since v1. For us usability of v2 is on lower level than in v1.
  23. TCA2 has build in web-server. You dont need to run Apache for TCA2 working properly. Check if all services are working. In cmd: service TCA2Monitor status sevice TCA2ServiceMan status
  24. Example ban command for Iptables where -s is source IP and -d is destination server IP: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 27015 -s -d -j DROP iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 27015 -s -d -j DROP
  25. I'm talking about different place.
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