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Everything posted by peace

  1. Star reading from page 7-8 where all was solved. What do you guys think about upcoming DS updates? If game will be updated through steam what will be with DS that are on boxes?
  2. Gunslinger Report back when download is finished.
  3. Will be available for few hours.
  4. It was said many times. Use steam.dll. What do you guys think about server updates? No hldsupdatetool and I guess there wont be any patches like it was in COD4 or 5.
  5. 2003. Under Local system account yet.
  6. Im running 2 servers on 1 IP with TCA and using .exe. I posted config above. All configs are in main folder.
  7. dimitrifrom31, did u get bandwidth error with all ports listed in CMD?
  8. I uploaded it few times. Its in config.
  9. Here's beta TCA config. Its not completely finished but its working. Tested with 2 servers on 1 IP. Notice: place all dspl and dsr files in main folder. Use steam.dll. Servers that are currently running with this config: ^2GameNest.ru Test Server ^2GameNest.ru Test Server #2 Call of Duty 8.txt
  10. Did any one solve Invalid server configuration - insufficient upstream bandwidth 0 kbps for 18 clients. Minimum 566 kbps required.?
  11. Did you solve bandwidth issue? Or it still randomly happens?
  12. Query protocol is HALFLIFE2. The only thing I cant figure out yet it what ports is to set in RCON PORT, DEFAULT and QUERY and where to put them (net_port and so on). Its messed up.
  13. SOLVED: Put Steam.dll to server root directory. Console: Steam Master Servers found (2). Server will be Internet Server listed.
  14. Confirmed by tests or its official? its very sad if its true
  15. No need to think about GSPs... huh
  16. No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only. Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP, Game Port 27025 But i had the same when server was on my own PC and it was visible in browser with 16\16 players.
  17. I tried running server on my own PC and it was successful but after moving to datacenter box game server cant get visible in browser.
  18. Add +start_map_rotate at the end. What about random bandwidth error? Anyone?
  19. set is for CMD, seta is for config. Comment first section commands in server.cfg becuase they are only for CMD.
  20. Console from working server which is visible in browser.
  21. For just 1 server I dont use any settings. In order to run additional server on the same IP i changed only +set net_masterServerPort and +set net_queryPort. But i cant figure out what net_port is for. Spitfire, use seta instead of set!
  22. I have +set net_port 27020 +set net_queryPort 27021 in command line but in console i see: Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27021, auth port 8766, query port 27017 UPD: Can confirm that +set net_masterServerPort changes query port and +set net_queryPort changes game port. UPD2: In order to run additional server on the same IP i changed only +set net_masterServerPort and +set net_queryPort UPD3: +set net_authPort what about this port? And what does net_port actually do?
  23. I cant get it. Should be "set net_authPort" changed on additional server on the same IP or not?
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