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Everything posted by lpgservers

  1. You know how many times I've been tempted to use this on a customer or two who put in the strangest tickets...
  2. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=darkest+hour+forums&l=1 Check out the top return...
  3. SourceTV takes up one slot so if you don't have additional slots marked with a 1 under the game's settings in TCAdmin or at least the individual server's settings then you'll need the lower the player count by 1 to make room for the SourceTV bot.
  4. Yep, I let it go for now until they get some non steam needed files and get the buggy game fixed so the servers aren't constantly getting crashed. I've yet to actually get to check the game out...
  5. Nope, it requires Steam and I even tried the work around that was employed for Alien Swarm. Waiting on a patch for the game before I do anything further with it. I couldn't join a server last night either and that was ridiculous.
  6. Page 7 of the link I posted or run this HldsUpdateTool.exe -command list
  7. http://www.unknownworlds.com/download.php?file=Server.exe You can install Physx and Directx (shouldn't need directx) from the NS2 files without using the Steam install. Then read the Dedicated_Server_Usage.txt The server stores its settings in the file: %APPDATA%/Natural Selection 2/server.xml If the file does not exist, it will create a default copy the first time it is run. The server options can be changed in the file manually, or they can be specified individually on the command line (those changes will be saved by default.) Optional command line settings are: -file [path] (allows you to specify a different configuration file for server settings) -name [name] (specifies the server name to be shown in the server browser) -map [name] (specifies the map to load) -ip [address] -port [number] (default is 27015) -limit [number] -lan [1 or 0, or true/false] (specifies how/if this map shows up in the master server list - default is false) -password [optional] -save [1 or 0, or true/false] - (specifies whether to save out command line overrides - default is true) Examples: Server.exe -map ns2_tram -limit 32 -lan false Server.exe -file "c:\my servers\config.xml" -map ns2_rockdown -lan true -save false Example server.xml <options> <lanGame>false</lanGame> <mapName>ns2_tram</mapName> <password></password> <port>27015</port> <serverName>LowPingGameServers.com</serverName> <address>ip.ip.ip.ip</address> <playerLimit>16</playerLimit> </options>
  8. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=6522&highlight=AVP
  9. Install the game locally, zip up the files, upload to the server, and your all set.
  10. You need to own a copy of the game and make an image to upload to the server. No COD4 files via hldsupdatetool.
  11. Try the very first thread of this board that you posted in which is stickied and in the very first post of that thread is a link courtesy of SickPuppy and Hostile Contact. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=6329
  12. Fragnet, you asked for the files as well and ECF had just stated it a few weeks ago. All I was doing was trying to inform you to change the content of your first post some and completely focus on the configs/maps/mods or find yourself in hot water here. If your taking that as an attack on you then you better re-read what I had posted. It was a very helpful suggestion to mitigate any issues for TCAdmin, yourself, and anyone that would indeed respond that they'll provide those files. I don't know why you nor many have this chip on their shoulder that people are out to get them here but this community has helped me quite a bit without a problem ever. It seems you were either looking to make things easier by working with someone who had the leg work done or your asking for it here now after that apparently fizzled. Neither are consistent with the above quote from you though.
  13. Actually, once ECF sees this thread you might find yourself banned from here. It wasn't just a week or two ago that he stated that if anyone asks for game files they would be banned. I'd edit your posts and remove that and ask for help for just mods and configs if I were you. It is illegal to share most game files other than anything that is open source.
  14. Overall how's the stability so far? Any guesstimate on when the rest of the Beta Group will gain access to keys for this version?
  15. It was rather productive. He needs to do some leg work as do others since if everyone has their hands held then they won't be able to support anything down the road. Most of the questions that were recently asked by newcomers lately have the answers in the TCAdmin setup guide. Furthermore, like I stated, if it's for a business purpose then he really ought to be reading and learning to aid in his understanding like all others. Thanks for the critique of the site though and I do know it is rather not pleasant to look at, but then again you don't have to
  16. Are you running a booster/timer?
  17. Matt, you've seriously been asking for things that if your doing this as a business is laughable. You really should do some research before continually asking for things to be done for you. You and a short list of others around here are certainly wearing on me and I would suppose others. I'm only posting this as it is far over the top so far and if you actually come here after doing some good leg work on your end then I'll once again be willing to help. Seriously though, do learn somethings on your own.
  18. Kevin, you really have to stop teasing us!!!
  19. Excellent, thanks for the update!
  20. Looks outstanding! Pretty excited about the linux support as well.
  21. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=6329 First link, America's Army.rar
  22. I haven't run this game so I don't know but can you set the slot and port in the command line like most games?
  23. TCAdmin does monitor that if you set it up to do so. The server will be disabled by default and an email sent to you and the customer depending on how you configure it.
  24. My apologies, saw a comment in your profile and didn't pay attention to the fact that it was someone else that posted it.
  25. You run a GSP but your continually asking for a config?
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