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Everything posted by leetservers

  1. -multihome=xx.xx.xx.xx -Port=7777
  2. Rich, if you practiced what you preached, you would need a new CD everytime you deployed a server.. -bobby
  3. Redline, email me bobby at leetservers.com gimme ftp info and I'll push it to you
  4. I'll put them on ftp, give me 10min -bobby
  5. umm, did I speak too soon? I already have it =bobby
  6. Anyone have a UT3 retail cfg running thats anygood? -bobby
  7. STEAM won't get the game until next week. The 12th I think -bobby
  8. I forgot that! I run it on no compatable mode =bobby
  9. Hey Tangogc I'm using your cfg, I can't SEE the server on the list, are you having issues being seen on the list? removing the firewall does not help. -bobby
  10. Any UK guys have a cfg? Gets released tomorow here in the states. -bobby
  11. Tom, whats wrong with the price? if its cpu and bandwidth intensive you have to charge enough to cover that and a profit. =Bobby
  12. Ya, I knocked on a few doors, the full release will have a dedi! -bobby
  13. Anyone play with this one yet?
  14. game files or cfg? -bobby
  15. When I was goofing around with it the other night, it seemed that even if you send the game out to a box you still need to install it on the destination box from scratch. -bobby
  16. the 105 server exe didnt like it, I didnt try it for 106 so I just ported it
  17. Here is our cfg, runs ok for us, its CPU heavy for sure, I'm sure someone will host it for 99 cents a slot. Armed_Assault.txt
  18. 25% cpu at idle, no thanks.. =bobby
  19. I have a prey running thru the panel, cfg is minimal right now, I'll send Kevin the cfg so he can fine tune it. Game files........... I used TRITON to buy the game online and DLed it to my master box, so I have it all. -Bobby
  20. Hi Guys, Any Config on PREY yet? -Bobby
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