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Everything posted by Defcon|Rich

  1. Sorry I didn't see this earlier. It should be set for GameSpy2.
  2. I'm aware of the customer your referring to. We reconfigured the server for them to work with the update, The information they provided on the ubi forums is 1/2 correct. They have no access to change which .exe or config gets loaded and mistakenly assumed their fix corrected the problem. In reality we did a minor edit on the commandline to use the right variables and it worked fine. The new .ini works just fine also. The old and new ones are pretty much the same, The only difference is the new config has notes next to each setting explaining what each does. If you take a close look you will see nothing has changed.
  3. vetwebhosting, The issue your having with only one player being able to join is from either a bad commandline or something in one of your configs. RB6Vegas is a challenge to configure and run as you have already noticed. If you want to shoot me an email I'd be happy to give you a hand.
  4. I was looking at the default port in the config and relative executable. The config you have there is pretty much the same as the 1st graw version except using a different server cfg as best I can tell. Normally the default port is 16250 and the exe is graw2_dedicated.exe. Possibly you have your setup differently which is fine if it works for you. I thought I would point it out to you.
  5. The config you have there is for the original GRAW. Also you might want to remove the rconpassword and references to your company before attaching the config.
  6. That's 3 times you mentioned my name. Do I know you?
  7. There is no difference between the two for tcadmin. If you are needing the servers config files you should ask ea.
  8. That indeed is a gray area Doug. Each game tends to word it different so I guess it would go back to interpretation of what the small print means. I believe some of the legal issues would stem from who actually has possession of the files, Would it be the datacenter or the end customer or the reseller?
  9. There's a reason why we have been in business all this time
  10. Almost all the games you have listed do not have a dedicated server component. You will need to purchase the games, Create a dedicated image and upload it to your server.
  11. Most configs are basic on purpose since everyone tends to do things different and it's a pain having to strip out everything for each one... The config above should get you started. Just use the examples and build from there
  12. I would've given you the config Doug, You should have asked!
  13. The config is the same as the one used for Unreal Torunament.
  14. As far as I know it doesn't use a traditional command line.. We had a few signups the other day of which we set up manually and it worked fine but using the auto setup it gives the same error you mentioned..
  15. It's kinda funny that the UT engine pretty much introduced the multihoming command to gaming yet some of the newer games don't make use of it even though it's there already..
  16. As far as I know Swat4 does not make use of the multihome command. It seems to only like the first IP on the machine. So what you will have to do is set the first game up on the default port and the next ones up on staggering ports.
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