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Everything posted by Defcon|Rich

  1. One tidbit I'd like to see in v2 is a better/faster way to get around the admin panel. Possibly a dropdown type system like whmcs? For instance we don't auto-install game servers so the game server port report section gets used quite a bit and it takes several menus to get there then you have to backtrack 3-4 menus to get back to where you started. There should be a way to quickly go from say users to reports without having to hit the main page and drill down each time. On the same note it would be very helpful to have some sort of "smart" search feature such as whmcs incorporates. IE: search by partial name, clan name, billing id. etc.
  2. I see what your saying and not sure how that would work but considering the amount of games and different packages it indeed sounds like a task. Like you said we will have to look at the beta version first. I'm sure we will have a more complete picture of what's lacking or needs attention once we take it for a test drive.
  3. Another idea to minimize some of the extra work for you TCA guys would be to leave the support ticket module out of the reseller version. I don't know many that use it now and anyone who's selling game servers will need or have an existing billing system anyway. Most come with built in support desks so in my opinion not something worthy of attention on this version.
  4. The idea of being able to allocate a certain number of slots per reseller would be a good start. I'm not sure about attaching a $$ amount to this as it wouldn't really be necessary if you simply told tcadmin XXX reseller can have 100 slots. XXX reseller can have 200 slots and so on. The dollar amount placed on those slots shouldn't make a difference unless I'm missing something. I do like the template idea for the 3 tiers, That would be a good addition.
  5. Further info for you. OFP2 is based on a proprietary game engine developed by Codemasters so it's almost impossible to figure out any type of commandline arrangement (Supposing one is available) to create a stand alone dedicated server.
  6. Quote: Thank you for submitting your recent request to Codemasters Customer Services concerning Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising does not support standalone servers I'm afraid. The multiplayer game is peer to peer only.
  7. It would be in they're best interest that's for sure but you have to understand the game companies first and foremost cater to the console market because that's where the lions share of the profits come from and the multiplayer aspect of most games is built in for them.. IE: no standalone dedicated server component required..
  8. Looking through the game files it doesn't appear to be workable.. What a bust.
  9. The free version binds to only the main ip and default port. You would need a professional license to host multiple servers and/or other ips.
  10. FYI. The Config posted in this thread is the old WolfET config which I'm pretty sure everyone already has loaded in they're panel. Just change the exe line and your good to go..
  11. No worries Patrick. I just didn't see the point of your post. It appeared like gloating.. BTW, Good luck on your non-smoking! I smoked for 20yrs and gave it up 3+ yrs. now Don't miss it at all.
  12. Unless you are the official spokes person for Activision I'd recommend letting "them" announce who's on any lists they have because your info is incorrect... If you are the spokesperson you should know more about the product your "officially" trying to sell.. sheesh..
  13. I don't want to start a debate as this is off topic already but If you remember correctly we were able to offer both RB6-Vegas and vegas 2 before the standalone files were released.. I can give you more examples but my brain is fried from too much sun today
  14. Any game can be run as a dedicated server, You just need to know how it operates. How do you think we did it before tcadmin came along ;P
  15. The mission requires additional mods. Check where you downloaded the files and it should tell you what else is required.
  16. We've been running a few ArmA2 servers on different setups and while the code still needs some work they seem to run ok. Not quite the resource usage you describe. Are you running a default (non-optimized) OS install?
  17. The clients we have are mostly overseas where it's already been released.
  18. Check your bandwidth settings in whichever config you have them set. We're running 16 slot pub servers and don't show nearly that for resource usage..
  19. Beta is closed. IE: If your not on the list you have to wait until the 19th.
  20. hmm.. Not sure what your doing different.. We host quite a few arma servers and never had to install the game to the remote servers.. ?
  21. The games already been released to the public just not in the U.S. so I'd gather the beta testing is over..?
  22. Sanitizing your config before posting it was more aimed at protecting your business interest. You listed your redirect info which could become a problem if 1/2 the world starts using this config Either way I'm sure your work is appreciated by the community. Just trying to help..
  23. Please remember to clean your configs before posting them. (IE: MOTD, Branded text etc.) Thanks!
  24. There is a new update to tcadmin that corrects the popup error. Check your panel and run the update.
  25. I would suggest either running each server on it's own ip or staggering the ports at least 10 apart. RVS uses port 7777,7778 and sometimes 7779 for each instance.
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