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Everything posted by cmdbash

  1. Please ignore this was a development issue.
  2. Hi folks, We ran into an interesting issue lately. A Game config we created may or may not being the issue here but anyways every time we run and update it seems to deploy a validation on the server game files once its done updating the server.cfg file is reset back to its stock format, removing all of the users settings. We also made sure to turn off validation in the Game config but im not sure if that's the problem, any thoughts?
  3. Hi fellow GSP's and Gaming Communities! Recently what was started as a hobby has really grown into a rapidly expanding business for us, this naturally is both good and bad we have no problem growing to take on more business but there are a few things id like to ask the community about to get a better grip on these things. What is your preferred monitoring tool? I'm trying to find something that will alert us to CPU/RAM/HDD and Bandwidth problems. What do you do to mitigate DDoS attacks? Is there anything on the market to monitor and alert of access request such as logins and other rouge hacking attempts? We appreciate the assistance!
  4. Here you go MCMA Game Config its a bit hacky because yes it is another game panel but it does work and can be controlled by TCAdmin2. I must warn you I cannot be responsible if this sets your server aflame.
  5. Thank you, this was on my mind as well recently.
  6. Just coming back around to this, the issue is now effecting all of our servers, when this happens it severally impacts the performance of the entire server thus our customers are not happy. Any further thoughts? Its not constant, it happens for 5-10 minutes at a time, once a day.
  7. Thanks LFA, I have added that to our MySQL. Hopefully we wont see it again. Speed test showed all clear.
  8. Yesterday something strange started happening to our Web Server, it started becoming unresponsive and we could not remote into it. Only every few minutes we can make a connection to be booted off again. So we started digging into the log files of the remote servers and found some interesting stuff. Now what you see above is a very abridge snippet of what we saw, the first two were repeating every second, and then after 20 minutes of that every single second the third message was coming up, for hours. Now we were able to resolve this issue by simply clearing the hosts and restarting our MySQL service. But whats really strange is we did not change anything and nothing is "new" its as if one of our Remotes decided yesterday was the day to smash the Web Server with MySQL connection attempts. Any ideas on what caused this and how to prevent this?
  9. Nicely done, update came over without any immediate issues! Will report any if we see them.
  10. Im not sure if anyone else gets this but once the update was done the window window presented me with this error. It does seem to have updated and I don't see any other errors at the moment. I received this once before, I think with
  11. Ah yes, I did that right after I ran the updates it was still saying 2.0.35 but I just got back form the movies and its now showing 2.0.37 Cheers!
  12. Updated my Master seems to have gone smoothly. I had to run the 2.0.35 manual install via the "C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminUpdateTool.exe" 2.0.35 command then used the updater as I was not very current. This was my first time updating the panel, seems to have gone well but does this update my remotes as well?
  13. Thats a generic message Notch put into the Server console. Its okay doesn't mean anything realistically until he come up a reason that it means something.
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