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Everything posted by PCGamersportal

  1. I have looked at this before, currently there is no way to bind the port to other ports. I own it, was going to work a config but until they implement the port its going to be a problem.
  2. I believe in his post he asks for windows
  3. That is awesome, thanks for sharing Razio, I have 5 machines to setup next week and this will be a life and time saver. And thanks for taking a look at that for me!
  4. Hello Cheevass, I have built the config in a windows server 2012 environment but it is not much different than a windows 7 installation, as with all servers that I setup I have downloaded the game and copied to TCAdmin Game folders (ran it once to ensure dependencies were installed) and built the config from there. mscvcr.dll is the microsoft visual re distributable, try running the game once from the server desktop and allow it to install the dependencies to your server and it should be ok. As with all game servers, always run the game once and allow the software to install its required dependencies, or you will get error messages. Hope this helps you, Steve
  5. Just wanted to add, make sure that the batch file is in the same folder as the server.spy file. Update your config so it knows where the server.bat is located and that should be all.
  6. Hello Melanie, for simplicity, just create a batch file in the game folder for the game per the below. The Batch File content will look like this: %ProgramFiles%\Python\python.exe %* Name it server.bat or whatever you like, make your game executable server.bat in the Tcadmin config, and the commandline for the game will be simply: server.py and whatever other commandline parameters the game has that you like and your good to go. If your python is installed to another directory, replace my assumed directory with your installations folders.
  7. Hi Jus, no need to paypal me. andret covered the cost of the game for you so if you would like to paypal him, you can send him a donation. Thank you for the offer.
  8. Thanks I did my best, I'm no expert yet but the learning curve is getting smaller.
  9. Absolutely, as the game develops I will take a look at the config and if I have time I may post an update. Although I cannot be sure if I will follow the game but I will try to follow comments here on this forum. Enjoy
  10. Ok, enjoy. I do not mind answering questions if you have any. Feel free to ask.
  11. I have Arma 3 working on Windows 2012, just saying it works on windows. You could use the many windows configs on the forums and modify it to be a linux commandline.
  12. The Stomping Lands file is ready and you can get it from the post



  13. The Stomping Lands file is ready and you can get it from the post



  14. https://pcgamersportal.com/order/cart.php?a=add&pid=525 Here it is, this works and I have put some future configuring into it. I provide no future warranty, it is provided as is. I have also assumed the server is personal so I am not using permissions regarding file access, files can be edited from the config editor in the file, you can change that if it is for other use. There is a known bug in the games browser, not all servers setup are appearing and you agree that you will connect to the server using whatever methods you see fit, I have used the following which works:http://sl.suboxygen.net/Products.php . I am also not responsible if anything in it is deprecated, it will be up to yourself and whoever else wants the file to maintain its usefulness. To clarify, I don't sell game configs and this is not an advertisement. But given I would not have purchased this game to host, I feel recovering the cost of the game given my time spent is a fair trade and the 2 requesters can compensate me for this. After payment is received you will get a welcome email with the link to download, if payment is received after my hours are from 7am mornings. Payments received after midnight est. will not be responded to until the morning. I would ask that both parties requesting refrain from sharing until I confirm I was compensated by both parties for my purchase of the game required for making the config, after that your free to repost and share.
  15. I have a working config for the game, this game is very early alpha. 1 thing I will mention is that the server browser is not good, the first 4 servers I created reported on the browser. 2 hours later, servers created do not show. I did some google and found a tool someone created to allow connections to a server by IP and Port as the server not showing on browser is a known bug. http://sl.suboxygen.net/Products.php I did not write this and in no way do I verify its safety on your pc. I scanned it, it does the trick. I need a bit more time to do some little things and then I will post and pm you the link to my site. This game uses allot of ports, more than most games. It will be up to yourselves to update this config as the game is developed I will not be supporting the updates to the .xml Things not known are the RCon Protocol or the Query Protocol. There is no documentation and I thought it may be HL2 new but it is not, it is currently using config file parser.
  16. Just split the cost of the game file from steam since I wasn't planning on hosting the game so 25.00 / 2 = 12.50 for each requestor. I'm working on it and will have it later today and I will setup a purchase page from my site so you can buy it via my company. I will let you know when it is finished.
  17. To be honest, I really recommend taking existing configs apart and seeing how they are completed. No promises but I will take a look, the game looks interesting. If I share I will split the cost of the game with the two requesters here. Doing is learning.
  18. There are a few things that make it secure. Some are your responsibility and some are built into Tcadmin. If you use secure mode, then your SSL is part of this encryption. Secondly, the SQL database where the master server resides and that your remote speaks to should be secured, if your not sure how to secure your SQL database to prevent injection or brute entry etc., you should follow your readme file for the SQL software you choose or I recommend hiring a freelancer tech from either Odesk or another venue. Security of any software is dependant on your physical servers setup and hardening process. If your not sure that the physical server is secure, start by using microsofts security analysis software which is free and follow through the recommendations or better still hit Odesk and get a tech. Tcadmin is very secure even not using SSL, I have not personally seen on the forums anyone having an intrusion issue. It is entirely dependant on your administration of the master physical server. I will add that hijacking a transmission would be hindered by SSL, however SQL databases will ban intruders IP based on errors received when trying to connect, ensure your database is setup correctly and it will be a layer of protection as well. I am no expert but with the right security in place like SSL and proper server hardening it is safe and you don't have anything to be worried about. I don't think any GSP here would tell you that they worry it is insecure. Security is shared between the app and our own due diligence when securing our physical machines for public use.
  19. I think I didn't notice since I have held off the update for the gaming site, but I did update my webhosting company. I was hoping whmcs would build an incremental so I held out, I may just go ahead and bite the bullet this weekend.
  20. You should provide information about your server setup, OS etc. is hard to help you troubleshoot without information.
  21. Ok, thanks Raizio. I hadn't realized.
  22. Hello Bigstack, when was the advanced module updated? I am using my existing install of the module from months back and it still provisions servers. Is there a release date to coincide with the "latest" version? Thanks
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