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Everything posted by revivedguy

  1. TCAdmin will not send CTRL+C to the console to stop the server. The only way around this would be to add a BeforeStop script and use https://github.com/FragnetNetwork/trigger_ctrl_c which will send a CTRL+C to the server so it is stopped gracefully. Varsågod! Pretty sure there is a way to do it with C# as well but too busy to figure out how that would work.
  2. When you edit the game's config, head over to the "File Manager" tab and there you should find "Editable Extensions".
  3. Looks awesome! Do you plan on either releasing or selling it?
  4. I agree with you. Windows 2008/2003 are more stable than Windows 2012 (In my opinion). I actually tried to get some games installed and some of them were crashing on windows 2012.. So 2008 FTW!
  5. Anyone interested on getting Greek on his TCA V2? I'm working on translating 100% TCA, but takes time. For now I can say the 45% has been fully translated (Such as basic user's fuctions). Might be posting it when 60-80% done.
  6. Is the new update up yet? Tried using "Check For Updates Tool" but get that panel is updated while its version is 2.0.43 Also tried manual update over linux and get:
  7. Hello there, This week a new update for most Valve's games came out, that actually messed up most servers. As CSS with the new update doesn't start from orangebox folder, it needs to be started from the css folder, or as i read here: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=8827 you can rename orangebox folder to css run the update tool and then rename it back to orangebox. Tried both of them, and when a client is trying to connect, he gets auto-disconnected after 10 seconds. I can say before this update, all css servers were working great. Is this another bug with the new CSS update,expect from the folder names issue? Hope they will get a fix for all bugs on the new update, this week. Regards, RevivedGuy
  8. OK thank you, found out what was the issue and solved it. Thanks Again
  9. Hello, I'm having a problem on tcadmin,i have fully configured whmcs tcadmin2 module, added a server like it shown on the tutorial, but when i place an order on whmcs, it is being send to tcadmin, but tcadmin does nothing after it. I check billingapi.LastCommand.Log and it seems it sends some info. role_id= package_id= game_additional_slots=0 game_additional_arguments= voice_additional_slots=0 voice_additional_arguments= voice_upload_quota= voice_download_quota= user_name=test11 user_password=test game_package_id=14168 voice_package_id=14168 package_package_id=14168 client_package_id=14168 game_id=2 game_slots=PUB12 game_private= game_branded= game_datacenter=1 game_hostname=test game_rcon_password=test game_private_password= Is the issue coming from whmcs or tcadmin? Thanks
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