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Everything posted by nmo0ory

  1. hello is there file to host ark on the psn ? or still nothing?
  2. i can't find it in the new theme how can i find it?
  3. can you send me a massage on my email plz anmar.z.m[at]gmail.com
  4. where can i find a rust config ? why we don't make a list of all the game config that are avilable that will be better
  5. i want to work with you but u didn't get back to me email me at : anmar.z.m@gmail.com
  6. i was having problem installing it on my centos 6 64bit i will try to make a new config for it as well as give you all what i did to make it work
  7. i have it ready if you want it contact me
  8. if they can include the updates as well for minecraft that will be awesome as well
  9. is there any ready config fro minecraf PE ?
  10. hello i saw that there is 3 file in one topic for RUST config i don't know what is the best and last one any one can help me on that thanks
  11. hello, how can i contact yo ?

  12. i can do that for you add me on skype live:anmarzmashat
  13. do i use this one ? or alpha 13 ? cuz i downlode this and show alpha 12 not 13 but here http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?p=74382#post74382 is 13 so what should i use ?
  14. nmo0ory

    Sql db

    just update your TCADMIN and it will work fine i got it before and the problem was i didn't update my tcadmin so just update it and it will work
  15. hello is there any way i can get a script for minecraft backup script ? for backup the map ?
  16. i have found some thing on google http://jnbridge.com/blog/call-java-code-iron-python i think i can make it i will try play with it and see what i can do with it we can do a great thing with it i think even if we want to make like backup script or something like that
  17. is there any way i can use Java for it ? i just know how to program in Java and i would make script for my cp
  18. need you contact info

  19. can you make one for us do you have skype ?
  20. i have problem Column 'mod_id' does not belong to table tc_game_links.
  21. is there any full config ? config file edit and every thing ?
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