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Everything posted by LFA

  1. Go to the game's variables. Select the startupmap variable. In the commandline parameter tab set: Filter: css/cstrike/maps/*.bsp Exclude filter: css/cstrike/maps/test_*.bsp
  2. We prefer to do it that way.
  3. Bug Fixes Fixed duplicate key error when creating 2 game servers at the same time on different servers. Fixed sub user permissions when game's feature permissions were configured with a template. All permissions were not available to sub users.
  4. Try starting or restarting the tcadmin service manager in Start > Administrative Tools > Services
  5. You need 1 license for each VPS.
  6. All the servers but you only need to do it if you notice writing commands to the web console does not work.
  7. Make sure you updated mono-config with the new path. Also check tcadmin-config. If MONO_FOLDER is there too delete the line.
  8. Execute these commands on your server: cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor ./updatetool 2.0.38 If that doesn't fix it create a support ticket with the link and login for your control panel and root password for your server so I can see what's wrong.
  9. Requires: wine xvfb xauth If it doesn't start run it manually to see why: http://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_%26_Voice_Services#Running_the_Service_Manually_2 Thanks to peace for the original v1 config and to skkunk for the wine commands. Use at your own risk. Don't ask us for support. COD_MW3 - Linux.xml
  10. Bug Fixes TS3 billing api upgrade/downgrade slots was not working. Administrators were not created correctly. Fixed web console input when "control console input" is enabled. A reboot is required for the fix to take effect. Improved detection of service processes that were already running when the Linux service manager is restarted.
  11. LFA

    Deselect IPs

    Are you clicking on the IP? You should be able to disable game hosting on the IP there. The checkboxes are disabled in the server IP list but not when you select it and go to detail view.
  12. mono is not in the path. You need to execute: /opt/mono-2.10.8/bin/mono -v
  13. Do you have scripting disabled in your Override.config? That is something that needs to be fixed. If scripting is disabled some variables are not replaced.
  14. If it shows that message it means you are using sqlite not mysql.
  15. Skip that part and generate the file.
  16. Do this: - Log in to your master's control panel. Select Server Management > Remote DB Connection. Enter the information so the remote can connect to the database. - Generate a new ConfigUtility.config for the remote. Save it to Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor overwriting the existing file. Restart the monitor. It should start correctly.
  17. I don't see an error there. Create a support ticket so I can take a look.
  18. It says server id 2. It looks like you configured the server as a remote but it is not connecting to the same database as the master.
  19. We already fixed this in the support tickets. It was a bug that has been fixed.
  20. It looks like you did a manual update. That only updates the files not the database and should only be used if the web update failed. Update again using the Update option in the control panel.
  21. I am going to have to add this in the next update. I completely forgot about adding that variable.
  22. You can't enable it on the reseller role. They need to enable it in their user role.
  23. Create a variable named ConfigFile. Default value is server.cfg. In "Commandline Parameters Options" tab Check: Admin access Sub admin access Reseller access User access Value is required Item Type: Textbox Label: Server Config: Deny Characters: ", +exec, +set In the game's commandline tab > predefined commandlines add this: Description: Advanced Commandline: +set fs_savepath $[service.UserDirectory] +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_port $[service.GamePort] +set sv_maxclients $[service.Slots] +set sv_punkbuster "1" +exec "![ConfigFile]" +map_rotate For a working example you can check the Enemy Territory config.
  24. This is the first time I heard of it. Create a support ticket with the admin login and a the password of a user so I can see the problem.
  25. Edit /home/tcadmin/Monitor/TCAdminMonitor.exe.Log. Set the value of TCAdmin.Debug to False. Then restart the service manager.
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