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Everything posted by LFA

  1. Something else is using the ftp port.
  2. Try downloading the files. You might get lucky. /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/steam -command update -game "modernwarfare3" -dir "/home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/cod8" -verify_all
  3. http://help.tcadmin.com/Mods Read under "Configure a Mod"
  4. Custom themes are always in User_Themes even if they are created by an admin. Create a support ticket with the reseller, user and admin logins for your control panel so I can see the problem.
  5. Create a support ticket with the url and login to your control panel and the IP and port of a game server that has this error.
  6. LFA


    Sorry the correct command is quit not stop.
  7. I will add it to the list of things to do.
  8. TCAdmin incluye un servidor ftp y configura las carpetas de los usuarios automaticamente. Esta en el puerto 8821. Se puede cambiar el puerto en Servers > Master > FTP.
  9. When you log in to the ftp server it gets a list of the virtual folders and permissions. This list does not get updated. You need to log out and log back in. If your connection times out you get the same effect since it has to log in again.
  10. Create a bat with this command and configure it as a scheduled task in windows: forfiles -p "C:\TCAFile\Users" -s -m *.log -d -7 -c "cmd /c del @path"it will delete .log files older than 7 days.
  11. LFA


    Make sure you are running the latest version. Go to the game's settings. Text Console tab. Set the stop command to "stop". Set Wait to 20 seconds. Save and click on Update Existing Services.
  12. Do you have a firewall blocking outbound connections? The server should be able to connect to master.tcadmin.net on port 80 and 444
  13. The console log is created in different locations depending on the game and OS. In tcadmin all you need to do is add -condebug to the default and predefined commandlines. Update existing services. Restart the service. You should be able to find the log location using the log viewer icon.
  14. This is in the list of things to do. Right now you can only view the current bandwidth usage.
  15. If it never shows the version number when you click on Show Versions it means the server is disabled.
  16. New Features Steam games are always available for installation. If the files don't exist they are downloaded when the first service is created. Improved BC2/BF3 query protocol. Mod comments are shown in the list. Bug Fixes Windows service with Run As=User per service" fails to start after reinstalling. Fixed stack overflow when clicking on Admin in users list. Config files were always created with UTF8 encoding. Now they are created with ANSI encoding if possible. mono-config is no longer overwritten when updating TCAdmin.
  17. I will see what I can do. I can't just ignore the error because it would cause stuff like the log viewer to stream the log forever even if the client already closed the browser window.
  18. Everything you mentioned will be added.
  19. Inicia el servidor manualmente sin tcadmin para ver porque no inicia correctamente: http://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_%26_Voice_Services#Running_the_Service_Manually Si inicia bien manualmente crea un ticket de soporte con acceso remoto al servidor para ver que esta pasando.
  20. If it is on a remote start the master in console mode. Then start the remote in console mode. Go to Servers and click on Show Versions. Check for errors in both consoles.
  21. General Settings > Reseller Packages > select the package > Game and Voice Settings tab. Select the games you want to allow.
  22. 1- When a game server is moved it executes the scripts for the after move event. 2- It's there. Put the mouse over the name. I will add it as a column in the next update. 3- Set a parameter template for the variable. For example: http://www.tcadmin.com:8880/Interface/GameHosting/EditGameCustomVariable.aspx?gameid=1&variableid=2 (log in with demoadmin/demoadmin). Then use the custom variables in the command line ![CustomVarName] . Don't leave spaces between the variables and tcadmin will not add spaces. Use the variables in the custom commandline template. If the user does not select it tcadmin will remove it. For example: ![Var1]![Var2]![Var3]![Var4]If the user does not select var3 when creating his custom commandline tcadmin will use this: ![Var1]![Var2][Var4]
  23. That page usually happens when there are missing requirements for /opt/mono-2.10.2/lib/libgdiplus.so. http://help.tcadmin.com/Common_Errors#Login_form_is_not_loaded_correctly
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