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Everything posted by LFA

  1. You can do this with predefined commandlines. Create a commandline named HLTV Enabled with this: -console -game cstrike -condebug +maxplayers $[service.Slots] +ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort] ![startupMap] ![FpsMax] -tv_enable 1 -tv_maxclients 50 tv_port $[service.CustomPort1]Remember to configure the query monitoring to allow one extra slot because enabling hltv adds one slot to the slots sent in the commandline.
  2. Create a support ticket with the login to your server and the IP and port of a game server that I can use to reproduce this.
  3. Do this: - Create the user named SerVerS in Linux - Go to all the games that you run. In the run as tab select run as Specific user. Set the user to SerVerS with no password. If you don't see the run as tab select the Templates tab and set Run As to blank. - Go to Server Management > Servers > Select your server > Game and Voice tab. Set the folder template to clients/$[service.UserName]/$[service.ServiceId]/ and save. - Restart your server's monitor: cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor ./monitor-service restart - Create a game server and it will be created in /home/SerVerS/clients/(user name)/(service id)
  4. If TCAdmin does not detect the IPs but you are sure they are configured in Linux you can add them manually.
  5. You need to log in to the server to execute.
  6. What game? Stop the service in tcadmin and run the game server manually and see if you get the same results: http://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshoot...ice_Manually_2
  7. You have not installed mono: http://help.tcadmin.com/Mono It is using the mono included in centos but it does not have all the components required by tcadmin. After you have installed mono restart the monitor and service manager: cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor ./monitor-service restart ./serviceman-service restart
  8. Stop the service in tcadmin and run the game server manually to see why it is crashing: http://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_%26_Voice_Services#Running_the_Service_Manually_2
  9. Make sure the service manager is started: cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor ./serviceman-service status If you can't figure it out create a support ticket with access to the server and control panel. The error when updating existing services is probably because port 8890 (standard port) is blocked.
  10. If you are having problems installing create a support ticket and I will install it for you
  11. All those configs are included in the default installation
  12. Create a support ticket with the IP and login for your server so I can take a look.
  13. If tcadmin can query the game server correctly in "Current Activity & Stats" the game monitor should apply the actions correctly. You should only check DisableService and leave StopService unchecked. The game monitor reloads configuration changes every 15 minutes. Restart the monitor to load the new changes right away. By default the mumble config for Linux uses the Windows query monitoring configuration. Make sure you are making the changes in the correct game.
  14. Create a support ticket to get access to a patch that stops the service even if the console command fails.
  15. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=8631&page=3#25
  16. Did you compress the game files? It does not work for folders. Also downloading a compressed file is faster than copying each individual file.
  17. LFA

    Licence Key

    You can get support through our support ticket system http://www.tcadmin.com/help.php
  18. The mumble config is included by default. Just place the files in the murmur or murmur-linux folder.
  19. Log in to tcadmin. Click on the About icon on the left. See if there are any errors when updating the license.
  20. When you clicked on "Update Existing Services" in the game details the custom variable values were replaced? I can't reproduce this. The update process only updates the working directory, executable and commandline. The variables are not updated. If you can reproduce this create a support ticket. To test with a single service you can click on save in the game server's service settings. It has the same effect as "Update Existing Services".
  21. Aqui hay una traduccion en espa?ol. No esta completa pero la puedes actualizar en General Settings > Languages. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=7218 en /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games hay un script llamado download_cs-linux.sh. Ejecutalo para descargar el juego desde steam. Despues aparece en la lista "Create a Game or Voice Service"
  22. Check the service manager logs in /home/tcadmin/Logs/ServiceManager so we can see why it stops working. You don't need to restart the server. Restarting the service manager will probably work: cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor ./serviceman-service restart
  23. Hi, If this happens every time please create a support ticket with the url and login for your control panel and ssh access for your server so I can see what's wrong. Changing the rcon protocol and query should not have any effect when stopping a game server. The rcon is used when you go to current activity and click on the rcon button.
  24. You will be able to select the admin in the next update.
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