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Everything posted by SirEb

  1. Well, is there anything else than: login anonymous app_update 233780 i have to do ? No subscription means i do not have the game on this steam account, if i login with my steamaccount which has this game i'm able to download. But @Topic says "game not required" so im pretty confused.
  2. Hi, i get this error: 06.03.2015 17:06:56 Creating a arma3 server for Admin on server Windows - Testserver 06.03.2015 17:06:57 Searching for an ip that has the required ports 06.03.2015 17:07:01 Query port expression: $[service.GamePort] +1 evaluated to 2303 06.03.2015 17:07:01 Selected ip 134.255.x.x and port 2302 06.03.2015 17:07:02 Building the command line 06.03.2015 17:07:03 Downloading files from Steam... 06.03.2015 17:07:12 Steam Console Client © Valve Corporation 06.03.2015 17:07:12 -- type 'quit' to exit -- 06.03.2015 17:07:12 Loading Steam API...OK. 06.03.2015 17:07:15 Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK 06.03.2015 17:07:17 Waiting for license info...OK 06.03.2015 17:07:19 An error occurred. Time to clean up. (CreateGameServer) 06.03.2015 17:07:19 Deleting the service with id 9562 from the database 06.03.2015 17:07:23 Deleting the directory C:\TCAFiles\Users\d53024ff-b9f5-44b0-9ed5-e285bd3600d4 06.03.2015 17:07:23 Failed to install app '233780' (No subscription) 06.03.2015 17:07:23 System.Exception: Failed to install app '233780' (No subscription) bei TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.***1370;(Game ***1286;, List`1 ***1361;, List`1 ***1363;, Int16 ***1364;, Boolean ***1371;, String ***1372;, String ***1373;, String ***1374;, String ***1375;) bei TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.***1370;(Game ***1286;, List`1 ***1361;, List`1 ***1363;, Int16 ***1364;, Boolean ***1371;, String ***1372;, String ***1373;, String ***1374;) bei TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.***1359;(Game ***1286;, GameMod ***1365;, GameUpdate ***1366;, GameMapPack ***1367;, Service ***1337;, String ***1360;, String[] ***1368;, List`1 ***1361;, List`1 ***1362;, List`1 ***1363;, Int16 ***1364;, Boolean ***1369;) bei TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.***1359;(Game ***1286;, Service ***1337;, String ***1360;, List`1 ***1361;, List`1 ***1362;, List`1 ***1363;, Int16 ***1364;) bei TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.***1343;() bei TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.Start() bei TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.StepBase.Start(Object arguments)
  3. SirEb


    Hello, did you fix it together ? From the error i see here it would be caused by a missing graphics card / graphics driver not installed. Running this version here with G210 and HD Graphics from I7 4770 with installed drivers without any issue, without installed drivers you get exactly that crash.
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