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Everything posted by WolwX

  1. Hello, I have some questions about variables. I wish to create a command line including the use of a custom port, but only if a variable is activated. That's for Counter Strike Source, I want to be able to set the custom port for SourceTV if the user "active" the STV function. So I created a STV variable, and if checkbox = true, I add thoses information : "-tv_enable 1 -tv_maxclients 50 tv_port $[service.CustomPort1]" But that's result by "-tv_enable 1 -tv_maxclients 50 tv_port " without including the custom port I tried to add this information into "On value" Perhaps I can manage that by another way ? Using an other variable with the parent value in relation with my STV variable can be a way to do it ?
  2. Do you need just panel access or ssh too ?
  3. Same bug for me :x I changed quit to "killserver" too and now that's ok But there is always one little process keeping alive after stopping one gameserver => [mono] <defunct> So each time I stop a gameserver I have +1 process like that, and they never vanish. Any hint for that ?
  4. After some test that's ok I used the deb installation package to restart And I finally found the right file serviceman-service is the correct init for that
  5. Hello, Sorry for this, but I was searching after the way to restart the "launcher" or module that control the actions into gameservices. I did a cleanup of my process after getting too many CSS gameserver running (due to the "quit" command bug) but now actions don't work. I already tried to restart the monitor, but that's look like not in relation with those actions side
  6. That's perfect Thanks for that tips
  7. Yep we can change the server display name, but I can set different subdomain, so different display name I'm using subdomain to bind different ip too, and because we are limited to one IP I can do that
  8. Hello I tried to moove the tcagame path to another path into my dedicated but I stuck But each time the installation try to be completed into the "/home/tcagame/$[service.UserName]/$[service.ServiceId]/" folder I already set correctly the "Game & Voice Settings" into my Dedicated's informations => Game Files Path: /home/SerVerS/BASE/ User Files Path: /home/SerVerS/clients/ Folder Template: $[service.UserName]/$[service.ServiceId]/ Someone can help me to correct ?
  9. Any answer please ? I would like to set different subdomain instead of http://www.mydomain.com or mydomain.com and tirddedicated.mydomain.com
  10. Hello, I tested this function, into mumble service. I created a test user and with him changing the max slots to 50, the default one it's 20. The query work, I receive correctly the mail, and the mumble server is correctly stopped, but not disabled. I tried by only activating "DisableService" and not "StopService", I tried with both activated, but look like don't work. Every time the test user can restart the mumble server.
  11. Hello, A little request I tried to play with ip and host, to have the possibility to set a different "host" by subdomain to each service or games I mean I wish to be able to "show", into the user panel, connexion information as "mumble.mydomain.com" or "css.mydomain.com", because that's most friendly and my user was always informed to used subdomain name to connect into services because we manage different subdomain with our dns server depending each services. So I don't know if I'm understable ^^' and if that's available or if that's must be a "feature" request.
  12. yes, but better if someone can have a tips to disallow it directly to user into the webpanel ^^
  13. Someone know a way, if that's possible, to disallow the right to edit server's tittle for TeamSpeak 3 ? I wish to allow only to change the welcome message, but I don't found if we can disallow to edit other things by the tcadmin / user page. And if the only way is to restrict by privil?ges, someone have a "perfect" type of settings ?
  14. Yes I see it after. Game templates into the topic Official v2 Config Files (updated 2011-8-5) http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=8011 That's the sames files as default / fresh install ? Because I have some troubles with trying to install mumble :x
  15. This "link" permreset can be really usefull I think too
  16. Excuse me, this link look like dead I think too Mumble it's a "must be" voice server since it's free and, because that, very used
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