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Gary - NoLagZ

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Everything posted by Gary - NoLagZ

  1. Sorry Missed the post yes I have v2 so all good
  2. Fixed it at last after reinstalling everything just in case and still getting the same error it was a powershell update error Ark needed powershell 5 on Windows Server 2012 R2. The update was being blocked by a missing folder in my windows directory. (Folder was "AUInstallAgent" ) Just creating the folder allowed me to update powershell then Ark installed fine. Hope this helps someone
  3. Hi, When I try to create an ARK Server I get this issue. It installs as far as creating the folder and then hangs with this error. I have reinstalled tcadmin and the database is a fresh install now sick of pulling my hair out. My next option is to reinstall mysql and see if that fixes it. Any Ideas before I do that running Windows Server 12 R2 on a Remote Dedi which has always worked perfectly for the last few years. Thanks All 10/21/2022 9:00:44 PM Executime to clean up. (CreateGameServer)ng event scripts for AfterCreate (service id 5) 10/21/2022 9:00:44 PM An error occurred. Ti 10/21/2022 9:00:44 PM Deleting the service with id 5 from the database 10/21/2022 9:01:01 PM Method not found: 'System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection`1<System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord> System.Management.Automation.PSDataStreams.get_Information()'. 10/21/2022 9:01:01 PM System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection`1<System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord> System.Management.Automation.PSDataStreams.get_Information()'. at TCAdmin.SDK.Scripting.Engines.PowerShellEngine.Execute(Credentials credentials) at TCAdmin.SDK.Scripting.ScriptEngineManager.Execute() at TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.Objects.GameScript.ExecuteEventScripts(ScriptEngineManager scriptEngineManager, ServiceEvent eventScript, ObjectList scripts) at TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.e() at TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.Start() at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.StepBase.Start(Object arguments)
  4. Having upgraded to Windows 11. I could not get my ARMA 2 Client to Work. My Server was still fine but the only way to connect was via an Old Laptop that gave me a wonderful 10 FPS in game This is the fix with links from Dwarden. I am putting it here to help anyone with similar issues or of course customers unable to connect and wanting a solution. Originally posted by Dwarden: i've uploaded needed new files temporarily to dropbox that's until we add those into data update on STEAM new BattlEye client files (7-zip archive) https://www.dropbox.com/s/gq3mx08lk2p8bfa/A2OA_BE_client_164_20211022.7z?dl=0 new BattlEye server files (7-zip archive) https://www.dropbox.com/s/kabeh262rvzpciw/A2OA_BE_server_164_20211022.7z?dl=0 just overwrite those old ones in your game folder files were tested on VirusTotal (you can retest yourself) Cheers Hawkeye
  5. Allows you to Run a Dayz Standalone Private Server providing you have the server files. They are available but are not generally released yet. dayzsa_62.142963 - Windows.xml
  6. Hi All, Attached is my config for dayz / Epoch. There are additional scripts for database creation deletion etc these need to be configured to the database you are using. I use mysql on IIS on a Windows 2012 Server. I have also used Windows 2008 Server running Xampp / Maria etc. I have included additional config cmd lines for overpoch / Epoch you need to know how to setup the server before blaming these. They are examples that work providing your directories are the same! *** From my experience of Arma Servers if you are not sure use the RPT logs to see what is happening, a lot can be found out there! ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** If you do not know how to setup a server read the info on the net the Arma2 and Arma2 OA need to be merged after running each program as per instructions on net or your server will not work. Once you have a working config directory copy it and use a new one for trials as if you break it you have a fall back that worked!!! Have fun Hawkeye Game Server Club (Previously NoLagZ) DayZmodGSC - Windows.xml
  7. Hi, Make sure all the dependancies are installed. see Bohemia for more info. I personally would run the server via a batch file initially to make sure all is ok. You need to have the correct startup parameters ports etc in your command line. These are from my Arma3 Setup [[ -ip=$[service.IpAddress] -port=$[service.GamePort] "-config=SW\config.cfg" "-cfg=SW\basic.cfg" "-profiles=SW" -name=SW ]]. Also make sure it is fully up to date use steam command via tc admin. Ensure the game id is correct and not the game one but Arma 3 Server ? AppID: 233780 ? Steam Database - SteamDB. Good Luck
  8. Dayz Standalone has said that when they go beta. they will release the Server Files! When this happens I will create a config. but for now the best mod for dayz in my opinion is still dayz arma2 mod. This is where they said it will go public. when ... how long is a piece of string.
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