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Everything posted by jeromehaynes

  1. Struggling with this too, did anyone come up with anything feasible?
  2. A long time ago I spent a great deal of time trying to get it working, unfortunately we could not get it to a point we were happy with it and had no more time to dedicate to it
  3. Doesn't seem to be receiving back my e-mails through the TCADMIN menu's, numpty what is your direct e-mail address?
  4. Hi guys, I've switched all my gameservers to Linux so sorry no Windows configs anymore, though if you want to just edit this to work with Windows everything should work... Would anyone be interested in me releasing mine for Linux?
  5. numpty, I'd be interested in Arma 3 Linux? Do mods etc work on it? I'm having some SERIOUS problems with the Arma 3 Linux config I created, I can't get it to load any mods at all, console keeps telling me they aren't being found
  6. Hi, The master server needs good enough spec to run whatever games it's hosting. A remote server is just an additional server you can run gameservers from. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  7. I'm not actively maintaining the config for 7 days to die. I probably will when it's in a more stable condition where every update doesn't break something with it. Or if I just find the time in general to make a decent new one with all the bells and whistles :')
  8. I can provide no support for 7dtd at the moment as I haven't even touched a 7dtd server in a while. Will update for Alpha 15 though. However, I may be able to find some time to help you on this in the meantime. PM me your e-mail address.
  9. Ragonz are you at the next inmotion LAN? Perhaps you could help there!
  10. Anyone got a specific working config for it? Still unsure of how to get it working. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  11. I didn't make the game, and it's only like that at the moment due to certain reasons I believe. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  12. Aren't Runescape private servers against their TOS?
  13. It should do this automatically as usually the game config file sees the server name as $hostname, thus meaning whatever typed into the field in the config file for server name should show up on your control panel.
  14. My 7 days to die config is pretty user friendly, and pretty much ready for hosting. I could make it a bit more userfriendly and sell a cleaned up version to you? Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  15. I apologise for the very late reply. It's stating that the file doesn't exist, have you checked that the files have downloaded into the game template directory? By this I mean that the first time you create a new gameserver on tcadmin it saves the gameserver files, any future gameservers for that game created simply copy the original files over. So you need to check if it's even downloaded a copy of 7DaysToDieServer.exe in the first place. If not then we can focus in on the issue as to why it doesn't exist. As for a linux version, as far as I know 7days to die only supports 32bit linux? I don't know if I'm correct on that. So I've never thought of really creating a linux config because I questioned the stability. I may do this in the future. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  16. Please can you elaborate on what you mean? Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  17. Hey all, As mentioned here is the config for Alpha 13 of 7 days to die. Unsure of if everything is working correctly but it contains all features from the previous release mentioned here: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11825 As well as that, Dennis added a ton of variables, so I've created a further updated config for this to reflect alpha 13 using the variables that Dennis added. Main Features/Changes/Overview ** Not all changes listed here. Refer to list of other features this config includes from the original thread stated at the beginning of this post. - Added even more variables to reflect alpha 13 and added these to the server config template file. - Updated the main template file to reflect alpha 13's version. - Kept Dennis's local mod install method. - Re-added my remote mod install method that downloads allocs server fixes to your server if you don't have it locally installed. * This may not always be up to date. - Added descriptions explaining the install method for each allocs server fixes mod. - Just to remind you - server uses serverconfigmain.xml and serveradmincustom.xml so that these files don't get overwritten every steam update - very useful. - Interface Icons remain for control panel/allocs server fixes, hosted on my server but you can download them from the old 7 days to die config page. - Users runs as User Per Service - Permissions (Thanks Dennis) - Reworked, to reflect those of you who may use this more from a hosting side/for people who have multiple tcadmin users (I don't). - A few minor changes here and there for optimisation/effectiveness :') Credit goes to Dennis for taking my config file and improving it, and it's now a mixture of some of his improvements and mine! Credit remains in the config file Dennis by the way as I thought it's only fair! Did remove your prima servers descriptions and stuff though, so it's a bit more of a "stock" template for people. Not sure if everything is working correctly, be sure to let me know and I'll be sure to take a look, I look forward to hearing your opinions! Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes 7DTD - Windows.xml
  18. Anyone got any idea about this? I mean I can see it can't create the new game world, and the game world server files for the new world mentioned in the config file aren't there. I assumed that by specifying in the cfg file the world name it would autocreate the files on server start. This game seems to work in strange ways, any help/ideas would be appreciated! Kind Regards, haynes11
  19. When Alpha 13 comes out I will probably release an update for this config and fix whatever issue this is. There have been no previous issues, maybe tcadmin update has broke something/changed the way config files work slightly.
  20. Hey, By licensed I'm guessing you mean have brought a copy of the game? Upon trying to create/update the server files I'm getting no subscription with that id. Has this got something to do with letting keen know? What's the best way to go about that? According to their page on dedicated servers I see no mention of this. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  21. I haven't played either game yet, only own medieval engineers, what variables would need adjusting? If possible can you provide a sample template config file that works with tc admin that I can input? And this is just hosted for community purposes, how did you get the appid? Upon last check I couldn't find it on the valve dedicated servers page. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  22. There must be someone surely? My real question is how are people doing this without there being a appid for steam update? Lots of hosts seem to support this and various are running TCAdmin. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
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