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Everything posted by jeromehaynes

  1. How come this works? From what I can tell it's installing mono then removing parts of it then copying parts from the one you installed in the first place? I may be totally wrong, I literally just glanced/skimread it + I'm a centos/rh guy not a ubuntu/debian guy , and woah, how did that happen to your house?
  2. Make sure on that remote server you also don't have anything else trying to use that port.
  3. Try running this command on the folder/file; chown tcadmin:tcadmin Then type; ls-l to verify that in both columns it says tcadmin If that command doesn't work, I've probably not it through properly it is 4AM If it is incorrect, just google change ownership and it will tell you how to change from root/user to tcadmin. Both columns need to say tcadmin by the way. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  4. Thank you, I think mine was corrupted.
  5. Hey all, Does anyone have a working copy of this config? Mine appears to not work properly and I don't think it's down to my server, I suspect either my configs broken/not working, or the games dedicated server doesn't work anymore. [it is an old game.] Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  6. I mean it works, but I have weird issues with whatever 2nd server there is hosted on a different ip on the same network, aswell as that for some unknown reason in those circumstances I can also not access the web interface for that 2nd server.
  7. I do have issues with the above it seems with multihome. ^
  8. No, but I'm sure he knows how to make it work, I'll take a look in my configs myself and let you know if I work anything out.
  9. I don't know the differences between v1 and v2, you'd probably have to consult Luis - support , on this as he would probably know this with his eyes closed.
  10. That's a good question, I have submitted a thread on the kf2 forums and if I get a reply I will let you know!
  11. I don't have v1, and it's been a while since I set up a mumble server, but what issues are you facing trying to write a config for it? It shouldn't be too difficult, I'm guessing you're running into an error of some kind?
  12. Could you provide some more clarification on what you mean?
  13. There's the steamcmd alternative you could use? I've never personally used it but it sounds good
  14. +1 to all ideas in this thread, especially the above 2 ^
  15. I popped you an e-mail with tcadmins forum system, let me know if it actually worked!

  16. If you were on about the tcadmin version, it depends on your OS, if the server you're trying to install to has a faulty steamcmd install on a windows box, it should be in: NB: My master server is Linux, so I'm a bit more knowledgeable but I do have a Windows server too; C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools Simply delete the steamcmd folder, create/update a new gameserver and it should extract/create a fresh steamcmd copy, if this doesn't work then something is wrong on your end, disabling the ie protection like Dennis said would be a good idea, if you need any help on this I may be able to investigate further for you, or you could always send a ticket to tcadmin support. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  17. Any ideas for what I said? :') And for your version, or my version? If you're on about the one you did, read the changelog I added at the top to do with a export bug, and manually update to the latest version ( Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  18. When I have time I will definetely take a look at your version Dennis! Also, I'm having an issue trying to figure out how to make sure it uses custom ports if it's using a different ip on the same server. The issue is the web cp and allocs server fixes cp port changes fine if it's the same ip you're creating a server on as it adds the port increment. But if the servers using multiple ip's it tries to assign same custom ports and server port when those are in fact already in use on that network.
  19. Delete your steamcmd files (apart from the zip) then create a new server/update a new one and it will automatically download and update a new copy of steamcmd, see if that works.
  20. Strange that, but I guess linux native support will be rolling out soon, as they know people prefer hosting servers on linux :')
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