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Everything posted by jeromehaynes

  1. I know this is bumping but after reading all this, the point I want to make is it would be a useful feature in TCAdmin for clients and for minimizing the amount of support tickets sent. A simple backup feature that backed up the gameserver so they could download it to their computer, or even stored in the server for x amount of hours/days would be useful, just because before installing a mod they are likely to backup their server. Their server breaks let's say on that mod install, they don't know how to fix it, where they would usually send a support ticket, they simply just restore that backup. You could specify configurations like; Giving client a download link and once downloaded it gets deleted off the server (for those with less storage space). or backups that are stored on the server for x amount of minutes/hours/days then deleted, or you could get more technical and if you sell web hosting with your gameservers it backs up to their web hosting space, or even something like googledrive or dropbox. It would be an extremely powerful feature to have in my opinion as you would have far less issues to deal with due to people being able to backup and restore a previous working version of their server. Just my two cents. So +1 from me!
  2. I did as you said and it worked, however it didn't overwrite the config it created a new one, and there is no option to delete, how would I manually go about finding the xml files directory so I can manually delete it? Also how come taking a username and password out works? There are lots of other configs that work fine with them in aren't there? I like to learn why fixes work rather than just fixing something and leaving it :') Thank you for all your kind help so far! Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  3. The page I screenshoted is the edit config page? Unless you mean edit the config.xml and as I can't access any of the config options I see no way of deleting it and uploading a new one with the correct values. Do you know where tcadmin stores the xml config files? Edit: Oh wait, I misread your answer. Don't need you to answer this! May re-upload with "place" values so it doesn't cause this error again, thanks.
  4. As someone who runs 6 server, I have a question, how resource intensive/what are the requirements for a single server? Thanks for the config by the way, hopefully a query protocol for it is released soon EDIT: Upon importing the config it gives me this. (screenshot) any ideas anyone?
  5. I agree with all of your points, I wasn't taking a dig at anyone, I hope you don't feel that I was, but it's a point of view I felt needed to be said as the one you stated previously is one that reccurs quite frequently, and what that guy said about no config can match support etc. I totally agree! If somethings not particularly advanced I tend to offer as much help as possible, because some things just shouldn't be charged for. I was trying to install Arma on linux as I was switching it over from my Windows VM, and centos kept complaining about glibc, I thought I needed to recompile another copy so the server would work, googling the issue didn't return any real results. Luckily someone popped up and said all you have to do is copy the libstdcc+ something or other (I forget the exact name) from the tc admin tools directory into the game directory, I literally spent hours trying to find a fix, and if someone would have dared charge me for such a simple yet frustrating fix I would have been pretty pissed, but that's understandeable, whereas from what I can tell with you Dennis you're pretty standup in the sense that you only charge if it's something actually worth charging for, which makes total sense! Razio you're right about that, though auto-installers probably aren't that difficult to configure, it's only when you run into a problem and you have no idea exactly how to get past it that you should ask for help, and if it's something as simple as idk, you stating an additional port or something and charging someone it's not right. I'm not saying any of you do that, just my two cents :'). I've posted about altis life in the forum on here under gameserver help, because I literally have hit a wall in it and it's doing my nut in. Funny how I can configure webservers etc etc etc, yet I'm defeated by a damned game
  6. I fully understand that, my literal point is that people treat these as some secret. Yes people spend time creating configs, and yes depending on the level of work some things would solicit payment, but in the real world there are lots and lots of GSP's. My example would be 50 GSP's already have 1 "working" config, all keeping it secret. The lack of community/configs because people see it as some secret is my point, 50 GSP's out of say 51 (1 not having the config), well would you really see it making any difference one more competition having the config, because it's not really so secret anymore, it's just people not willing to share. You also need to remember some people are better than others with things like this, where you or I would get one error on a config creation, we'd probably know how to get past it, whereas someone else may be well and truly stumped. I recently had someone help me with a Tekkit config after me and a friend for the best part of a month trying to get it working, then this guy helped us out, and it turned out to be a stupidly easy workaround, but I wouldn't have realised that for quite some time. I'm probably ranting a bit right now and making no sense I haven't slept properly for days My bottom line is, yes some things should be sold because they have been worked hard for. But if it's really not so "secret" and 1000 other GSP's out there have the thing you're looking for, is it really something you should keep to yourself? To put it to the extreme, imagine if for some (strange) reason somebody came along and asked for a counterstrike:source config, and everybody refused to give it and treated it like something gold, for something that almost everyone else already has, that would be proposterous wouldn't it? I'm not angry or anything or trying to start an argument and I always appreciate people's work, but I just think some people's attitude to things is very backwards as it's not something that was valuable in the first place unless it really is something that's exclusive, that's when you shouldn't share. Anyway that's a massive digression, I for one am interested in a Reign Of Kings Config mainly because my friend wants a server for it on my box and I don't know much about the game, I'll probably end up writing a config myself, but is it worth it for this game without a query protocol?
  7. While I agree with you, it's pretty frustrating as this is supposed to be a gsp tcadmin community and the moment I got a license I hopped on the forums and was surprised at how little people share. I plan to share all working configs I have for games that aren't default.
  8. I do think it's planned for tcadmin though, think I read somewhere on the ts3bot website that they're planning on it, can't be sure though I'd have to check, or maybe luis or ecf could hop into this thread and let us know.
  9. Hop on my teamspeak: ts3.logicgaming.co.uk
  10. Something definetely to look into, if I or anyone else manages do this please share a fully working configuration, that way it's polished!
  11. One of my friends really wants a reign of kings server so please do! Thank you! Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  12. I myself run a ts3musicbot from ts3musicbot.net I came across this thread http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11629&highlight=music+bot on TCAdmin forums about having it integrated, and decided to give it a go as it would make things easier for me in the future for running my own 3 bots. However I know that many of you are gameserver providers, so you would need automatic provisioning/wouldn't have the time to edit a file everytime you created a new bot. So here's my idea: I have created a working config file, but need some help with automatic provisioining. Not for me, it works for my own personal needs. What I'm trying to say is I've created a config that works but you have to manually edit the command line/link each time for the bot to work on the correct port. I know this can be done with variables, but I'm not much of a developer and am simply trying to say that if anyone is good with TCAdmin configurations I can give them the configuration file and let them tinker with it so then we have a fully working config rather than me posting one that only works on a personal level. If this makes any sense to you and you're familiar with variables and want this, I will send over the file so you can tinker with it, if you're interested, PM me or reply to this thread. Once we have a working configuration I will be sure to post it to the forums as sharing is caring, and it's not exactly difficult to do, it just required a bit of time and tinkering! I will post a whole tutorial on ts3music bot at some point too! Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  13. Ah I see what you mean, problem is 7DTD is on my Windows VM, and whilst I've enabled the text part, there's no way of verifying if it actually executes the command and works (seeing as 7DTD use telnet no real console option) and even enabling the web console to see if I can view an output to see if it does print the command doesn't work.
  14. Where is this setting located? It appears to be fairly well hidden. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  15. I keep getting "EPE manager release" in the console, the server shows up in the browser but it just connects forever, looking in the console displays that message over and over again. My Windows arma server works totally fine, it's just linux I'm having issues with. ( Cent OS 6) Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  16. Excellent answer, this should work and I'll test this myself. Another method would be to compile the latest version of the libraries into another folder (so a second installation) and then to link whatever needs them to use the updated instllation instead. I do not reccomend touching the already installed ones that come with CentOS as various things rely on them and you risk breaking your OS. Compiling a seperate instllation of gcc is the way to go. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  17. As in CentOS pre-installed libaries are a lower version than it requires, installing them would require you to either update them (not reccommended gcc is a crititical to OS functionality) or the safer option is to compile a seperate instllation into a folder such as /opt, and then link it so it uses the updated libaries instead. I'm also currently investigating a workaround.
  18. Let's hope with Alpha11 that the devs fix the server so we can have decent servers for Linux
  19. Is this compatible with both windows and linux?
  20. Now that is exactly what I'd be after! And I wouldn't have any idea how to do it if I'm honest. Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
  21. Thanks you legend! I can't believe I missed the refresh button (though it's not exactly big) probably be good to have this autorefresh by default as a scheduled task or something.
  22. I use TS3 Music bot, and having it a part of TCAdmin would make my life so much easier.
  23. TCAdmin kills the process instead of a graceful shutdown, due to this games like 7 days to die can not save their worlds properly, so the day count resets to 0. On the 7D2D webconsole issuing a shutdown command saves it gracefully. Is it possible to run a script or something to do this when the restart button is clicked? Kind Regards, Jerome Haynes
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