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Everything posted by goatboynz

  1. NOTE: if you have (Share files with other servers) ticked it will not show
  2. A3L files i have are way old now ya would spend the next year fixing then lol https://github.com/BarackObamaCare has the files. also if ya after any other ones unknowncheats.me has shitloads but yah will have to spend some time fixing them.
  3. https://www.altisliferpg.com Some one posted up an arma 3 config some time ago with one click install of most mods if ya find that ya will just have to update it a little and you will be gtg
  4. You will have to check out the altis life website its has all the info that ya need.
  5. goatboynz

    Shadow Theme

    go the themes in tca then inport upload the zip file and boom. Some times you will have to upload the custom.css file to. There is a post or a wiki that tells you more but cant seam to find it atm.
  6. filename not found. Check if its there
  7. Search the forums there are loads of them
  8. GOAT's Assetto Corsa Configs This config is more of a drift setup but stall can work for racing. Fell free to edit and re post if you fix something or make a linux version. Features: Stracker AC track cycle Issues: atm to get ac track cycle and stracker working i have made it so it edits a bat file that is hidden from the clients. Depending on what mod you have installed depends on what the bat file has in it. i know there are other ways around this but hey it works lol. How to install: You will need to make a bat file named StartacServer.bat and put this into it. the bat file need to go into TCAFiles\Games\acserver next to where acServer.exe is. @echo off acserver.exe > output.log 2> error.log This is more of a template for GSP to use as atm there is only like one place out there that runs AC track cycle. There is good money to be made from hosting ac servers well drift ones that is thy use nothing apart from bandwidth. I have prob missed some stuff so if i have post away. Note i was one high kiwi when i made this lol. Over time when i find probs i will update this config ac - Windows.xml
  9. Here is a quick and dirty windows config made by one of my team. blackwake - Windows.xml
  10. MultiHome= will work f0r some people and not others. the one i posted will work for 90% of tca windows users. From day one we have been running that setup and everything works. I tryed your setup and it did nothing so i do not know what you are on about. Also on a side not the game is just ark.
  11. ConanSandbox?Port=$[service.GamePort]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?SessionName=$[HostName]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?listen?AdminPassword=$[RConPassword] -log
  12. To date this is one of the worst alpha games to come out lol
  13. i might have to change my forum signature lol
  14. Havnt tried for the other game thy all seam to be working its just on Assetto Corsa. loking at the dbug when the server is made it makes the config files then does the steam update its like tcadmin needs to do the config files after the update. But then if i turn it off and just do the update its does the same over right the configs lolz.
  15. When i install a new server i have it so it runs a steam update after install but it wipes all the config files. If it turn it off so it does not update after install all the configs are ok. Anyone know a way around this?
  16. From what i have played with and see we have another ark on our hands lol. And dennis you are right games like this ppl go nuts lol.
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