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Everything posted by numpty

  1. What are you looking for i have Windows and linux arma 3 sorted all custom done with some amazing features
  2. <?php include('default_values.php'); switch ($params["customfields"]["Location"]) { case "1": $billing_api_values["game_id"] = 11; break; case "2": $billing_api_values["game_id"] = 12; break; } ?> easy use location one for linux location 2 windows and do it that way i have done same but coded bit bigger for lots more options http://help.tcadmin.com/TCAdmin2_advanced_module_for_WHMCS taken from there
  3. I have already done it on my config took ages to implement but as its custom for my company I am not willing to share... if you have patience you can get it working
  4. I can help you send me pm
  5. My XML just Need To Make Some Edits To SQL info Mods Stuff Arma 3 - Windows.xml
  6. I can share the config. No problem.

    I can do it via ts discord. Ur choice

  7. hey i will help u set it up in morning i had fell asleep lol

  8. i have a config for you if you are interested
  9. support.needaserver.co.uk:9988 join this ts3 ill help

  10. I dont. I have TeamSpeak can pm u ip
  11. Must ogf bugged lol ill upload shortly
  12. Any issues PM me ill look into them
  13. Here is My Config With Full Mod installs you ned to configure your mods first has DB creation buttons to reinstall and wipe DB lots of additions
  14. i have an ark config but am working on the automatic Mod updates

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