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Everything posted by numpty

  1. use the advanced editor then choose code no spaces if you still need help email me via forums ill help
  2. irun my master on a VPS as no games get installed on it its just for the master
  3. sounds ike tcadmin isnt adding firewall rules
  4. what are you trying to do willing to help
  5. i have my mod update script working Email me via forums i am willing to share No charge as i like to help
  6. i use this it works perfectly for my hosting needs doesn't use TCadmin but works https://dirohost.com/whmcs-teamspeak3bot.php costs 35 euro easy setup and smooth as silk is for WHMCS and customers have full control
  7. thi is my script i use works perfect on Arma you type in the ID and name of the Mod it htemn doenloads the mos and symlinks to the mod directory you need to reate the vaiables you need and also check prompt for varibles when creating @Echo "%TCAdminFolder%\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd\steamcmd.exe" +login Username Password +force_install_dir C:\ +"workshop_download_item 107410 %ThisService_modnumber%" validate +quit @Echo SET "ServerPath=%ThisService_RootDirectory%" :: :: ::Mod Name MKLINK /D %ThisService_modname% C:\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\%ThisService_modnumber%
  8. Never mind made my own. Works perfectly. Am willing to share.
  9. Have you put the files in folder server_data. I did and it worked
  10. I can help. I have loads of Arma 2 and 3 servers that requires sql. And thry all install perfect
  11. Arma doesn't. I am working on a mod update script will update when works
  12. I have a backup script for Arma. Or any game server really. It works like a charm and is fully customzable
  13. I have a wipe db script. And a script where customers can reinstall the db too
  14. I have Conan working fine. Share your config I'll look at it for you
  15. I am working on a steam command feature where customers type the workshop I'd. Then another box for mod name. And it then downloads the mod. I will keep you posted if I get it working
  16. I have ar day epoch and many more. All custom configs
  17. Working perfectly on 79 Arma servers. Need mssge me
  18. I'm looking for a script/bat to update workshop mods so customers press button and mod updated. Any ideas greatly appreciated
  19. I do it7 more to be on safe side. But it's up to you. Bohemia recommend 5
  20. Battleye port should be 5 more than Server port. So server 2302 battleye 2307
  21. i have it working perfect on windows i made my config in 10 mins
  22. You will need a key for each server. Its well known. Hnless you get permission from guants. But trheyvare not offering server hostin to new companies other than current onse already active. As have already asked them. I have over 1500 active customers. 500 asking. But. No joy. So just. A warning to you
  23. i am currently working on one if i get it working i will share
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