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Everything posted by Eased

  1. This issue was fixed by support providing a MySQL.sql file for C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Database so it overwrites the MySQL.sql.
  2. Having the same issue trying to use the Convert SQLite Database to MySQL tool. Error message: "The mysql script is from a different version. SQLite Version: 179 MySQL Version: 178". I am running on version Rolling back to does not resolve the issue because the SQLite database version is not rolled back/downgraded from the manual upgrade commands. So the same error message is given even though TCAdmin is running on 178. The other thread is also unhelpful because we are in the reverse situation, where the SQLite version is higher than the MySQL version, so no rollback is theoretically possible. Any other suggestions?
  3. Anyone else seeing the majority of valheim_server.exe CPU usage on only CPU0 and CPU1, despite having access to more CPU affinity?
  4. You cherry picked one sentence and are misconstruing what I was trying to explain. Look at the big picture. Regardless my words were not meant for you.
  5. I'm sorry Dennis, but did you just switch sides in your own rant thread? *thinking emoji* If it is a one man operation then that's fine. I too run a one man business. But hire or outsource the resources you need to do the jobs that are not your specialty. You can't expect one man to do literally everything and not eventually burn out. In my opinion opportunity is being wasted and a good product will eventually have fatal consequences if action isn't taken. If you guys can't all see that by now then the fate is already sealed.
  6. Forget the TCAdmin software for a moment... The TCAdmin website is seriously outdated to the point where I would bet that sales are being impacted. Does TCAdmin staff not care? Because that's what it looks like. I also worry for the security of their WHMCS and even these forums. These need to be updated regularly, just like the TCAdmin software. I shouldn't need to preach this to software developers. At this point it would be so much work to update that it's pretty much a nuke and pave / migrate to new. The website has literally not changed style since 2005. If that's not neglect then I don't know what is. I feel like TCAdmin pretty much has a monopoly on game control panel software but they are very close to squandering it all away. I say this as a supporter that cares about their future. However I can't seem to wrap my head around what the management team is thinking. It looks more like a one man operation, and even worse one that that has lost interest in their passion for TCAdmin. Is it lack of funding? Is it lack of time? Is it lack of interest? Hrmm. Worrying statement. While not completely false, still not completely true. There needs to be a balance. People very much "judge the book by the cover" and will simply pass off software that looks like its from the 90's even if it could print them money and they didn't know because they didn't look past the cover. Presence and first impressions mean a lot and this statement from a business perspective is scary. TCAdmin is customer facing. Unless the new intention is to be for tech and administration only in which case I dont care. Think about it from a game development perspective. You can't have a game that can do everything, but is literally text based graphics. And you cant have the opposite either where it looks great but there's no content and features. I don't intent to be mean here, but maybe some hard hitting truths is what you guys need to hear. I say this as a fan who wants to see TCAdmin improve.
  7. Eased


    Looking for a Rend server profile. Thank you.
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