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crunkinshoe last won the day on October 27 2021

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  1. Remove the quotations around the password. Use -beta public-test -betapassword yesimadebackups
  2. Is anyone able to get the logs working? I have the -logformat=text flag set but there still isn't any log in the Logs folder.
  3. Query does not work but players are able to connect.
  4. The game now requires that a query port be set which is different than the game port.
  5. If I run the program as LocalSystem it starts up fine but User per Service the exe gets suspended immediately. Any ideas on why that might be? TCAGame doesn't seem to work either.
  6. Is anyone running successfully on Win Server 2012r2? The process crashes immediately with "procedure entry point GetSystemCPUSetInformation could not be located in the dynamic link library." I've got the latest 2015-2022 C++ Redis installed. I'm wondering if it's a 2012r2 issue or maybe I need to revert to the Redis that's packaged with the server?
  7. Anyone see much of a difference between running with and without the optimizations flags? -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS
  8. Currently no way to bind an IP I'm guessing? Multihome doesn't seem to be working.
  9. Are you saying to use https://github.com/Tiiffi/mcrcon for RCON? If so the correct exe is mcrcon.exe not mcron.
  10. Did they ever get a commandline flag to bind an IP working?
  11. The Multihome commandline parameter seems to be no longer setting an IP. The server only works on the machine's primary IP. Anyone know if there's a fix for this?
  12. This is usually due to a corrupt world file. Try start with a fresh world.
  13. Anyone else getting complaints of world corruption after the most recent game patch?
  14. I am not seeing issues with on Windows currently.
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