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Alexr03 last won the day on December 3 2021

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  1. You may be looking for this - https://docs.tcadmin.com/customizations/themes/mvc-templates/
  2. Alexr03

    SSO Login

    Try both http & https callback urls
  3. .NET & .NET Framework are different things. You can install .NET 4.8 framework on the server just fine, just ensure 4.7.2 is still installed.
  4. Been a long time since I touched this code. IIRC theres a config file where you could turn on debugging or disable sentry, something like that. Doing that allows you see the actual error in the console.
  5. What would TCAdmin need to do for this? The users that TCAdmin create on windows instances are denied remote desktop privileges.
  6. Alexr03

    Cloud Backups

    @CloudNine Sort of, its a rewrite. But im too busy rn to finalize it, fix bugs and release it
  7. Alexr03


    @POG 1 - Yes 2 - You can keep it the same
  8. Alexr03


    Hi, Try updating to TCAdmin and see if it works. Updating - TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation
  9. To those having issues where the mod list isn't populating. Try updating to TCAdmin and see if it works. Updating - TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation
  10. Will be fixed in the next release ^
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