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Everything posted by DrunkMunki

  1. ahh thanks guys, wasnt very intuitive was expecting another add widget option like before
  2. TCAdmin Version: Operating System: Server 2016 64 bit Machine Specs: 46GB RAM, 3.47Ghz (VM) Database Type: MySQL Bug: When you try to add more than 1 widget on the login screen dashboard, the add option is missing after you add 1, if you remove the 1 listed, the option returns. Video of bug can be found at Tried with Chrome, Firefox and Edge all same results.
  3. lol thanks DennisMidjord.. found like 6 lines duplicated, after i removed them it worked. - kinda obvious when someone points it out to you.
  4. So i followed the instructions at https://help.tcadmin.com/Workshop_Browser#Ark but i keep getting the error attached, any ideas?
  5. Heya, Kill script didnt work for me, but everything else did
  6. No, i dont believe its supported yet. this was just a best guess setup, it works so im happy as i only used TCAdmin for my community and not business. you're welcome to fix it
  7. this is the one i created. rend - Windows.xml
  8. would love to know the fix, as i have the same issue... i have also submitted a ticket
  9. i made a Stationeers config file, use at your peril! stationeers - Windows.xml
  10. thanks guys for the info, will raise a support request in case there are things missing, i dont want to create a new server just for a master when the option should be within the software to relocate it.
  11. Greetings, Im a bit lost here... i tried following https://clients.tcadmin.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=34 but as im not moving to a new server and i already have game files running, how would i go about moving a master to a remote server? i tried running the "WebConfigUtility" but i get a 404 error...
  12. I ran windows update on my Windows Server [server 2012 R2] and now my remote server cannt connect and generated the error: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. I disabled the firewall on the remote server to see if it was a port issue, but same error happens. Monitor Console: did a master-test from console and it connected after a google search i found it may be from a Windows update for .Net... https://support.microsoft.com/en-ph/help/2017977/the-underlying-connection-was-closed-a-connection-that-was-expected-to-be-kept-alive-was-closed-by-the-server any help on this would ba great?
  13. I have followed the directions from https://survivalservers.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_Create_a_Conan_Exiles_Dedicated_Server_Guide attached is the file i created, i cant confirm it works until the game is released, but doesnt look like the game crashed. enjoy, feel free to post a version that works if mine doesnt. conan - Windows.xml
  14. - Go to your remote server - download config for remote server - go to the TCAdmin folder - double click on WebConfigUtility - go through the setup on the local (remote) server - upload the config you downloaded form the master server tot he remote server - in the WebConfigUtility browse to the file location - finish going through the config utility (no need to fill anythign else out) - restart monitor on remote machine - do show version on master version - update remote to match monitor version
  15. thought I would update this as the issue has now been resolved, only way around this error was buying a SSL certificate, thanks to Luis from TCAdmin i was able to get this working.
  16. I had the same issue crashing, but was saying the process was already running, i just ran -> stopped service and ran a DB repair, the service started up after that
  17. Greetings, I have made an ARK template (copied from the original posted here, with modification) Confirmed it works and am able to access the game. This is for the game - http://store.steampowered.com/app/407530/ game files utilise about 18GB of space and memory runs around 2.7GB you may need to make changes to this file, as this is my first one, be nice! sotf - Windows.xml
  18. Hello, I upgraded my server OS from 2008 R2 to 2013, everything was smooth except when i try and visit the web console, it generates an error "Secure Connection Failed" its like the certificate isnt trusted, i tried clearing my SSL certificates, and tried other browsers (Firefox and Chrome have the issue), at least with IE it gives me the option to ignore the error and continue. Is there a way to fix this?
  19. no one has any ideas? has anyone been able to get it to work?
  20. I am trying to run several tasks, two will announce a reboot, 15mins, 5mins and the other saves the game before the reboot. Now the reboot script works, but the broadcast in game and save through RCON doesnt work. I have tried cheat broadcast <message> and just broadcast <message> but none of it works... the command is shown to run but when i'm in game nothing happens. More settings:
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