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Everything posted by ucjohn

  1. Luis is the owner I've been discussing it with him for a very long time, at the end of the day it was his call. We now have addressed and agreed that any more major changes will be there for the community to vote for. The old forums hadn't been updated since 2012 and vbulletin was out of date and owned by a previous owner.
  2. I restored default colors to groups with minor tweaking
  3. Things can still be discussed if you want to see a different theme, make a request everything can be easily requested and voted on by the community.
  4. It's still up for discussion not a solid yes or no, we are allowing the community to vote and discuss how to boost the forums activity. I was thinking social media like Facebook, and Twitter as a secondary idea.
  5. its a start it's not that bad I have personally seen worse.
  6. The forum colors where just a hook I tried to code between discord and forums. I'll change it later as I'm in bed, also the discord is not to take away from the forums. If it's something like configs or themes or support they'll be linked to the website. Just for a simple support question can be asked in discord limiting clutter in the forums.
  7. @LFAI did make a download section for your scripts that only you can upload too... https://community.tcadmin.com/files/category/4-tcadmin-panels-scripts/ It'll automatically make a post inside the new section of the forums called "TCAdmin Panel Scripts" that only you can make new post's in but everyone can reply to them feel free to give it a whirl.
  8. @alexr03 Private Messaging now resolved Footer - Is a footer if it's a big issue I can play around with it. My name @ucjohn I'm incognito group... yes I changed it after I posted this lol..
  9. Refresh and try now, I realized I selected the group "Banned" to view it and unchecked "Member" group was in a hurry and tired that night it's sorted.
  10. lol yeah that would have been a surprise but I'm sure if that time ever came that Luis would make an official post.
  11. Everything is still very much there my friend, I created a test account under the "Members" group and verified everything was in fact still there..
  12. We will have a list of rules, we don't want configs in there but if someone needs a hand fixing there's different story.
  13. It's like a special angled footer lol
  14. I'll look into the said issues and no, the footer is supposed to be like that I can change the color
  15. I'm sad Streamline should be #1 lol.. Nah I better not say that or Dennis will beat me over the head, feel free to contact me via DM @alexr03
  16. I took your idea and restructured it a bit. It's not perfect but hey it's a start lol.
  17. We won't create the discord until, we have more people to chime in with. That addon will have to wait until my payday, so the forums and discord can be intergrated easily.
  18. We will let this topic run for a week or so this will allow @LFA to chime in and also allow other community members take part.
  19. That was the point behind the "Plugin Developer" Group as they have access to upload files and that way they're separate from general "Members".
  20. It's just a community discord it's not for files or anything and support can be directed right to the billing area. I have Discord willing to make it a verified server if we go ahead with it.
  21. We will leave this topic open for other community members to give there opinion, As I stated when you upload a new file it'll be pending review until approved once approved a automatic generated "Post" is created for you the developer to give support on it.. I'll post another example into the download section.
  22. It's super simple with Invision.. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9287-brilliant-discord-integration/
  23. I like the layout and idea, we hadn't really gone over that section yet we just moved TCAdmin 2 above > TCAdmin 1. So you don't think having a forum topic for "Themes | Languages | Configs" is needed any longer? As when you upload a file "Config" it auto creates a Topic under that section that you can provide support.
  24. We are working on a solution that'll benefit everyone ? that should hopefully increase and give incentives.
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