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Everything posted by ucjohn

  1. Can someone help me with making a command line for GameModIds= I have a rusty memory making command lines I've tried and it keeps placing it at the end of the command line behind the last quote.
  2. Each time I try to login it reverts me to this link.. mysite.com/Interface/Base/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fBase%2fLogin.aspx Durp... Figured it out Rushed the code a bit lol.. I should have used... http://mysite.com/Interface/Base/Login.aspx
  3. I'm thinking this one is busted too.. I have the service installed no dice it doesn't fire up..
  4. Thanks cause all the old ones are busted.
  5. Hello, I've been asked to make a custom control login.. I followed: http://help.tcadmin.com/Custom_Login_Form Results: (Recoded for newer coding) https://qualitygameservers.com/logincp.php Click on login and it takes everyone to the TCadmin login page this is really useless for us to use.. Anyone know how to get it to login direct into TCadmin instead of making us login 2 times.. Sincerely, John
  6. I'm still fighting with this?
  7. Any plans on sharing it? If not no worries great work!
  8. I don't suppose this will work on windows lol.. I'll have to probably fiddle with it to get it working.
  9. I tried and it failed horribly.. just wanted some assistance cause I'm still rusty as heck with the auto-create tool I'm simply doing it for my gaming community on my dedi box... not like I'm making money off it.
  10. your really not alot of help.. wish more community members would be involved in a solution instead of being rude and not sharing.
  11. Alpha 13 is out and no update? Mine keeps crashing which is annoying..
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