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Everything posted by fjamieson

  1. Brit, I see the same error numpty posted about as well. Where did you post the updated config(s)? I only see the original one.. Thanks
  2. Hi Brit... Sorry I did not see your reply.. did not see the thread had gone to a second page.. #feelsbad Did not try your new config as I was able to get the server running. Will download it and have a look at it. Thanks again for your help. Numpty.. yeah.. it takes for ever...... to show up!!
  3. Brit, I fixed the issue. Using the info in the connection_log file. I added the port numbers listed there to the 'Custom Ports' list and restarted the server... Still have to figure our the SessionName & Maxplayers issue. :-) But, I am now able to connect. :-) Thanks again for your help.
  4. Are you using a batch file to start your server? (as it has in the various website links on the subject) I started the DNLserver using a version of the following command line: Ran this directly on the Windows server itself! start ""/NORMAL "...\DNL\Binaries\Win64\DNLServer.exe" "/Game/DNL/Maps/CapeOfSacredPath/DNL_ALL?Port=7777?QueryPort=27025?SessionName=<YourServerName>?MaxPlayers=70?listen?AllowFlyerCarryPvE=true" -nosteamclient -game -server -log -servergamelog The server started, and was seen in the server list.. got thru the game load process.. got a "Black screen" this time, then back to the menu.. BTW: Sent you a login Thanks Forbes J
  5. My log file is pretty much empty save to the same thing volborg has. Content Log: Loaded 0 apps from install folder..... Connection log is attached. Thanks in advance for your help. Update: I think the issue may be in my command line. It looks like my GameUserSettings.ini is getting overwritten each time I start the server... Plus, there is no folder "/Game/DNL/Maps/CapeOfSacredPath/DNL_ALL" connection_log_7777.txt
  6. BRIT, Thanks for all the hard work and info. Followed your instructions.. got the server up and running first time... I see the server in the in-game server list but when I try to connect, it goes all the way thru the loading process and then drops back to the main menu. There has to be something in the server config that the game does not like. Did you run into this in your work?
  7. I have not been able to get the EmpyrionDedicated.exe process to end when using the 'Stop' button/icon in the Control Panel. My option is to create a custom script and use the Taskkill command. However I want to be able to issue the Taskkill using the PID (incase I have more that one instance of Empyrion running on my server) rather than the "/IM EmpyrionDedicated.exe" command. How to I get the PID for the EmpyrionDedicated.exe? Thanks in advance for any and all help
  8. I updated two of my Windows 2012 R2 servers today and since then I am getting the following error message in the System Event Log: "A fatal alert was generated and sent to the remote endpoint. This may result in termination of the connection. The TLS protocol defined fatal error code is 40. The Windows SChannel error state is 252." This is causing the TCAdminMonitor program to bounce every few minutes. I saw another thread about TLS issues and windows updates which mentioned deleting the certs on the servers and restarting the Monitor process. Tried this but the TCAdminMonitor continues to bounce. Anyone else run into this or have any suggestions on how to fix it?
  9. I ran the following query: SELECT a.ip_address, a.game_port, b.* FROM tc_game_services a, tc_game_service_live_stats b WHERE a.service_id = b.service_id; All the Conan Exiles servers we have running (23 of them) are showing ONLINE as "0", also the game_type is blank Additionally: I have the query_protocol set to Half Life 2 new for Conan, the database shows "hl2s" but on another game like Arma3 I have the same query_protocol set but the database is showing "a2s"... confused. (Side note: cannot get Conan to query, using the the "Game Query Tool" ) Thanks in advance for any assistance
  10. Thanks for the help. Changed my command line to : -host=$[service.IpAddress] -MayPlayers=$[service.Slots] -port=$[service.GamePort] -steamPort=$[service.QueryPort] Still getting a Process Crash and the message about not being able to get to steam. I also am seeing the following message "Adding Directory client_packages, generating MD5 hashes. This might take a while." in the \log\network.log file.
  11. Was looking for one myself yesterday... but have not found one, yet :-( Would also be interested if anyone does have one.
  12. Is there a Maximum number of fields one can use in the Config Editor for a game?
  13. I am using: -MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots] -port=$[service.GamePort] -steamPort=$[service.CustomPort1] Translates to: server.exe -MaxPlayers=5 -port=4200 -steamPort=4204 I think the issue is related to: [2017-03-01 14:07:25]: port: 4200 [2017-03-01 14:07:25]: steamPort: 4204 [2017-03-01 14:07:25]: Failed to communicate with steam, abort
  14. I see something flash a few times. But no stable open windows to debug with :-( I think I may not be able to run it as TCAGame... if not what would be the safest way??
  15. I don't have anything unusual under the Service Settings, is there something specific you are referring to? When I start it under TC admin I get a "Detected process crash" in the activity.log file and "Failed to communicate with steam, abort" messages in the Server.log file. Not sure if the latter is the cause of the fist...
  16. IGH, I used the .xml config file that was posted earlier in this thread and did nothing to it. This is my command line: -console -path $[service.RootDirectory]WORLD -ignorelastsession -maxPlayers $[service.Slots] -ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort] Sorry I could not be of more help
  17. Just started working on JC3:MP server. When I run the 'server.exe' from the desktop.. all appears works okay. But when I try to run it under TCadmin.... it fails. Anyone else tackled JC3:MP and gotten it to work? Thanks in advance for any and all help
  18. Has anyone been successful in running 2 instances of Conan Exiles on the same server? Tried everything I have read here and then some. Still no luck!
  19. With the current limitations of Conan Exiles, I am looking into adding a second IP address to a Remote Server. I know Windows will allow up to 4 IP Addresses on the same physical NIC port (MAC Address). My questions are: 1) Has anyone done this and what issues have you run into? (with any game) 2) Once added to the NIC, everything I have read says, go to the server in the control panel and Import the v4 address add in the Public/Hostname IP address and check Public. Will TCadmin still use the Original/Primary IP address for Master/Remote communication? 3) Is there anything that needs to be done on the Master as far as config changes? 4) If I cannot get any more Public IPv4 addresses, has anyone had issues with assigning a public IPv6 address to the Remote internal IPv4 IP address? Thanks in advance for comments/help.
  20. Thanks for all your help. We got two servers up and running (separate servers)... Now if we can figure out the port issues (which seems to be a common issue) ... we can really use TCadmin to its fullest!
  21. Did not get it, unless my forums settings a not properly set or I am looking in the wrong place!
  22. Thanks to everyone for all the info... :-( I still cannot find my server. Back to the drawing board!
  23. Raizo, It was showing 0/0 in the Service Info panel. Restarted the server a few times... Now showing 0/5.... Strange. It is up and running. :-) Thanks for everyone's feedback.
  24. Thanks for the info. Not sure how I missed this one... Now the fun starts.... Debugging..... -maxPlayers $[service.Slots] - Not working... :-(
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