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Everything posted by fjamieson

  1. I am trying to add the FTP information to the New Server email template, But have had no luck on getting the right variable Anyone got a solution? Thanks
  2. Ended up using TShock for Terraria.
  3. Added config to my post. Sent you a message
  4. Trying to figure out how to issue a [CTRL + C] in the Text Console when shutting down a Staxel server Have not been able to find any information on what syntax to use. Any help would be appreciated. Thx
  5. KGM6911, Did you ever find a solution for the webconsole?
  6. Wirs, I know there was a post about Console Commands... that went unanswered. Do you have a working solution? Regards
  7. Does anyone have an updated Terraria config they could share? The ones already posted are a year old.. Thanks in advance
  8. Rislem, If you would not mind sharing your config as well.... Thanks
  9. How did you handle the license keys at the registration site only takes IP addresses
  10. Numpty, Your 25 servers you have running, did you have to go through the process with the devs, you mentioned in your 10/2018 post for each one or has the process improved? Also, are you using the FiveM config file from this thread or did you create your own?
  11. Rislem, Does your user have permissions to the 'root' of "C" drive on the remote? If you start a CMD session on the Remote with runas /user:TCAGame cmd.exe Password: <password> Can you run the script?
  12. So I have tackled part of this 'mission'... DayZSAModlauncher... Gotten it up and running and can connect and play..but not seeing any mods being downloaded from the server to the client Does this need, like ECO, to have: netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:<port>/ user=Everyone added as a script, executed on creation, to allow the launcher HTTP part to work? ** UPDATE ** Answered my own question... after some additional debugging.. no it does not
  13. It started over the weekend.. had me freaked out a little.. well A LOT!!! I could not agree more!!
  14. @botmanservers.. Per Luis from TCA... "I don't see anything wrong with that output. These messages are just something they have added to the output printed by steamcmd so tcadmin also shows it:" Thought I would share...
  15. Getting the same thing... Not just Rust. Games will update perfectly if you run steamcmd manually.
  16. Numpty... FYI.. there is a typo in your config.. BACKUP_EXTENSIONS = Array[str]([".bin",".xml",".map",".xml",".c",".lst",".db"".dll"]) Missing a 'comma' between .db and .dll :-) Thanx
  17. Where else can one get BEC?? http://www.ibattle.org seems to be offline...
  18. As Just61 posted, I am using Query Prot: Half-Life 2 New Query Port: gameport + 1 serverDZ.cfg: added steamQueryPort = Queryport variable Works for me.
  19. Thanks to all for sharing!!!
  20. Been looking at Atlas too... Not being too clued up on TCA... how does one launch a second 'required' executable? I understand creating the 'game profile' and launching the game server. In the case of Atlas: I assume Redis is in the Atlas files distro, if not add it to the TCAGames\Atlas folder. As part of the game profile setup the Redis config file with the appropriate variables. Then upon installation execute a script that renames the .exe and launches the redis-server.exe. Any help understanding this process would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Back to troubleshooting ECO issues.... anyone got the appropriate settings for console output? Edit/Update: And how to get the WebConsole working.... getting "webserver: Failed to start" when launching the game(server) with other than server admin permissions
  22. Skurnicki, I believe I read in one of the 7DTD forums posts..the devs say you should do a fresh install and not an update over an existing server.. I created a custom script using the following: Found it here on another forum post so it is not my own.. @echo off "C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd\steamcmd.exe" +login anonymous +force_install_dir %ThisService_RootDirectory% +app_update "294420 -beta latest_experimental" validate +quit to handle the updates from b199 to b208
  23. I have a Minecraft Bedrock server up and running... Can connect via Android :-) Still have to test the other options. Looking to see if anyone else has gone down this road and able to help with things like Console access, specifically... so users can see the server output..like you can do with the Java release... MC Bedrock - Windows.xml
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