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Everything posted by wickedcpu

  1. wickedcpu

    MVC Default Theme

    Having an issue with the new interface on this theme. On the User details page, there is no "Save" button available. One of my admins is having issues receiving an email to reset his password so I was going to change it myself & I'm unable to do so. See screenshot attached.
  2. wickedcpu

    MVC Dark Theme

    I ended up manually removing the theme folder & toggled MVC on & off a couple times / restarted monitor. Went back to login & it brought up the default white theme (which wasn't available before) and has been working since. Imported Dark again, still working.
  3. wickedcpu

    MVC Dark Theme

    I'm not able to use this. Updated to 2.0.136 & Importing seems to not save any files to the server. I save my settings, go back to Settings > Themes page & the theme doesn't exist. The Location & MVC Location lines are blank. Edit: I've found in the documentation how to enable MVC. However, It seems to be trying to load the original theme inside the new one & becomes unusable. See screenshot. How do I fix this?
  4. Found what was causing the crashing in the config. It was actually incomplete on the bottom half. Was missing all of the bold text shown here: After that, I had to remove the following two lines: Working fine now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
  5. I'm using the config included with the panel. If there is a more fully featured config here on the forum you recommend, I'll try that. Running manually I get the following in SSH: $ ./startserver.sh -configfile=serverconfig.xml Using config file: serverconfig.xml eac_server.so [x64] :: OnLoad() eac_server.so [x64] :: OnUnload() Full log:
  6. Using default TCAdmin config. Have tried wiping all the files from tcafiles & downloading again. Log is not giving any errors, just stops & hangs with Status : Running (pid 0) Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic
  7. Does anyone have a working Insurgency Sandstorm config (linux)?
  8. I am unable to install the latest update. It's giving me an error on the update window "Error - Unsafe tasks are disabled in your configuration." I do remember the initial setup of the panel had an option for this. I am not able to find any information on what file controls this & cannot find anything related to it in the panel settings.
  9. Update: I was able to manually use changelevel to change it to one of the workshop maps. I then went & changed the name of the map group in csgo/gamemodes_server.txt to something other than "mg_bomb_se" & leaving the one workshop map. It looks like it starts on the correct map now. I did check through the logs & it still didn't have anything about downloading from the workshop & the folder containing that map is still empty, yet it is running the map. Forgot to mention this is on a clean install of TCAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04.
  10. I have created the required variables to get workshop maps to function & added my WebAPI and server token. -norestart -game csgo -console -condebug -nohltv -usercon -maxplayers_override 24 +maxplayers 24 +exec server.cfg -ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -port 27015 +net_public_adr xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx +sv_setsteamaccount XXXX -authkey XXXX +game_mode 0 +game_type 0 +host_workshop_collection 156000628 +mapgroup mg_active +workshop_start_map 191600561 It creates the workshop folder in /csgo/maps, as well as a folder for each map. However, it will not download the actual map files. It doesn't show any information about workshop downloads in the console or logs.
  11. Yes, server.cfg and the resources folder is in there.
  12. I've downloaded and setup the FiveM files following the guide for Linux (https://wiki.fivem.net/wiki/Running_FXServer). When I go to create a server, it shows that it's copying files and then gives the following error: Error - Could not find file "/home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/fivem-linux/alpine/bin/ash"
  13. I see, no problem. I could settle with the Windows version for now and work on Linux over some time.
  14. Great! I really appreciate it, Brit.
  15. The link to the thread I got the config is HERE, 2nd post.
  16. Is there a working config for Half-Life 2 Synergy available on Linux? I've tried a couple old configs here on the forum and they don't seem to be working. I get errors when installing the server saying that it cannot find specified files. I've tried editing them to steamcmd and adding the ID for Synergy from the Steam store with no success.
  17. This has been resolved. For me, it was an issue with Cloudflare. Either disable Javascript optimizations through page rules or disable the CDN for the server domain/IP (grey cloud).
  18. There are several buttons in the panel that are no longer doing anything since the latest update. For example, the "Steam Update" button pops up the Start the Steam update? window, clicking Yes just closes the popup and nothing happens. Another is trying to create a new commandline. Clicking "New" will bring up a loading animation and after a few seconds it will go away and never actually load anything. I'm sure there are many other features that are broken at the moment. I am running CentOS, all packages updated and have rebooted. Has anyone had this issue or have any advice?
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