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Everything posted by BRIT

  1. Same tbh, i am going to build a crazy minecraft config for TCAdmin with everything included but i will send you a config to fix the batch script later
  2. You can also use this one. arma3 - Linux.xml A3-Win - Windows.xml
  3. BRIT


    If you want that shut down command, use this code in a Iron Python script Script.WriteToConsole("^C");
  4. I will add one with the correct XML settings, there should be an additional xml configuration file to create the worlds and scenario automatically when you install the server and a populated world i might add.
  5. You are making something easy to be hard.
  6. It states on there GitHub page that is CAN be run via DedicatedServer64 folder and i have been testing Torch through TCAdmin and it works fine and method 1 you can just disable the mod manager.
  7. Method 1 Also with torch, just set it up as a game xml and install as a game service and you don't have to mess with stupid scripts. Method 2 Just extract torch into the DedicatedServer64 game folder and run it from that folder.
  8. Why don't you just use "-console" in the launch parameters? This includes space engineers, it basically does not open the console window and skips the setup and reads the config file instead....
  9. Did you get it working? im still waiting on the DC.... 6 hours now to fix NetBoot...
  10. I'm not the best in explaining things, them parameters are built into the game so the commandline in TCAdmin takes the need for the commandline in the batch file but because there is no exe you need the batch there but just take the settings out and add them to TCAdmin launch parameters.
  11. I will send you a updated batch file in a mo, it's bad timing for me as im updating my network cards in my rack and my sites are down so bare with em and i will add one here within the hour. With the commandline, TCAdmin does not inject it into the server files it's just start up parameters that the game server supports and if you boot a server from them parameters the game server reads them. It's the same for the batch file, basically it's a friendly way for windows to read the launch parameters (That the server is looking for on startup).
  12. Take "-Xmx1024M -Xms1024M" out the batch file then and use the commandline to define the settings...
  13. Just change Conan to launch this executable then. ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe I will update my config to add this as default.
  14. In each game you have steam settings so when a new order comes in it will download the files then steam kicks in to update the server files. All you need to do is designate a file server or you can just pull the files from the master server and place them in these directories. Win: C:\TCAFiles\Games Linux: /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games
  15. Bare with me on this update, im just adding all the new settings and variables
  16. I am adding the steam CMD settings to override the DLL files and i will post an update soon.
  17. You have something weird going on.... maybe you have a game firewall or your with ovh and you need to disable game firewall or add the port to the game firewall. Without knowing your setup there is not much i can help you with.
  18. Get Files from FTP Server is telling you that your master server holds the files and your remote receives them from that server via FTP
  19. I have found the issue with the new update, now you have to include the steam client DLL's or have steam running... I have the config working again but it requires DLL files so i will include the DL link in my update with the ones you need and or give you the path to copy from and too ;()
  20. You have an issue with your firewall then because TCAdmin opens all required ports including Query port and Custom ports
  21. Can you create me a login so i can take a look, also add me on steam so i can help you better. Also what provider you with and OS system because its something to do with them and not the config.
  22. The ports are already included in the config, if you need to disable the firewall to connect to the server then you need to follow these steps. Go to Server Management - Servers (Your Server You are Hosting Conan On) Router & Filewall Settings Enable support for Windows Firewall (Checked) Keep Alive: = Default And then restart your Monitor & Service Manager
  23. Yes there is issues since the update, i will need to run the server and find out what changes are made and update my config. I will include a changelog so you can make changes to your current config files. I have just finished Battalion 1944, Farming Sim 17, The Forest and Rising Storm 2 Vietnam and im just finishing ARK SE for PS4 and i will get a fix out to you. Give me an hour or two
  24. It's working fine for me.... i will double check and upload a config to my other post. Give me 30 mins.
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