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Everything posted by Vicente

  1. Hi, Does anyone know how to make ARK servers for PS4 and Xbox?
  2. I'll send you the session data by mail

  3. The easiest is to install XAMPP https://www.apachefriends.org/es/index.html Then you can use the tcadmin script to create databases http://help.tcadmin.com/Automatically_Create_a_MySQL_Database
  4. Hi, I have a problem. Since the last update (alpha 16.2 (b7) I have problems starting the servers In the console shows me the following
  5. I wanted to know if you're doing payment themes like this: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12229



  6. Does anyone have a config for Alpha 16 of 7DTD? Or what to change in the configuration of Alpha 15?
  7. I spend the same with RUST and ARK
  8. My Skype is: Vicente Jara - vicente@gccgaming.cl

  9. Start the server manually from the machine and it appears in the list of servers, but when entering it the screen is left in black. But since tcadmin does not even appear in the server list


    Do you know what that can be?

  10. Can I talk to you by chat? I do not speak English

  11. Neither worked, I have tried everything I do not know because it does not work
  12. Server does not appear in the Steam server list. I try to add the server to Favorites from Steam, but the server does not appear Here is the console log https://www.screencast.com/t/8igdndDcUN https://www.screencast.com/t/BMh7g6jNx
  13. I have taken the numpty config and the server starts, but it does not appear in the server list. Manually add the .exe to the firewall. I am using the following command line: ConanSandbox?Multihome=138.122.xxx.xx?Port=27165?QueryPort=27175?SessionName=Conan Server?MaxPlayers=10?listen?AdminPassword=6u0vb -log Does someone know how to solve this problem?
  14. Hello, Has anyone been able to find any solutions for ports? I tried what Dennis said in a comment, but the server keeps starting with port 7777. The server starts and appears in the list of servers, but when I try to enter through the game, the screen is stuck in black. Sorry for my english
  15. Hey Guys, So i ran into a problem and as stupid as it sounds, i want to make TCAdmin recognize a Variable so when i run the script, it will ask me to type something for that variable Here is what i have right now.
  16. Vicente

    Shadow Theme

    And solve the problems, my question now is, how can I put an image on the login page
  17. Vicente

    Shadow Theme

    Hello, Download the theme but the icons can not be seen as I can edit the logo and icons on the left above? http://prnt.sc/c2w8di
  18. Hello, I have a problem, I have 6 servers 7DTD, but one is giving me an error that is not how to fix it because I have the same configurations as in the others that if they work. Start the server, but does not detect the Query. This is the server configuration: http://prnt.sc/c22qhd http://prnt.sc/c22rj7 http://prnt.sc/c22rx0 http://prnt.sc/c22s7r http://prnt.sc/c22svy http://prnt.sc/c22tc2 Command Line: -quit -batchmode -nographics -configfile=serverconfigmain.xml -dedicated General config: http://prnt.sc/c22x0f Error: http://prnt.sc/c22u2y I hope you can help me. Greetings and thank you very much.
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