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Everything posted by dagg929

  1. Thanks for this. I noticed that you need to change the hostname in the defaultengine.ini, that in the regular engine.ini it doesn't work. Not sure if it is something with this config or what..
  2. Same error as previous poster: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Services\Launchers\TCAGame\Temp\e30bc29b-58d0-4bae-92e5-2fa6ba480e6f_out.txt' because it is being used by another Anyone know this?
  3. "C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminUpdateTool.exe"
  4. This did not resolve this for me. Do I need to recreate each scheduled task?
  5. What are you guys using for your command line options? Some have -nosteam at the end, for example, whereas some don't. What else are you utilizing bychance?
  6. How you guys setting the hostname? I can set it on install but that looks to be it, besides overriding the command line? Port is defaulting to 7777 via that config? Also, the IP address doesn't take?
  7. How'd you resolve this? Having trouble understanding the others lol
  8. Having a nightmare getting rcon going. Anyone have any luck with this profile? I know you need the beserver and all that.
  9. Used the above .xml How are you guys installing this? Steamcmd? I can do it via steamcmd manually but in my steam page when I set the appid as 258550 and the command lines as -beta experimental validate, it's not working. Got it installed and moved. Go to run it even manually, just craps out immediately and crashes. Any advice?
  10. Where's the SQLite DB stored typically? It's been a long time since I've had to do anything with TCadmin besides add games, honestly. Any helps appreciated here folks. Thanks.
  11. Hi, Is there any way to easily do a moveover of existing TCAdmin servers from say, a backup, back into a new environment? Don't want to start from scratch here if not needed. Any ideas here are appreciated. Thanks, Dag.
  12. Hi, Anyone have this setup via steamcmd to do everything as is? The one provided in the tcadmin install does not work, nor even install given as it was a beta setup. (Should be removed.) Much thanks if willing to share.
  13. CTextConsoleWin32::GetLine: !GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents is from the logging feature of the mod. I could not get it to consistently work with web console logging, I had to disable it to remove this error. It seemed fifty fifty however, sometimes you'd be fine, othertimes not at all.
  14. Not fully understanding what gameid I'm supposed to be using here with CS:GO. The dedicated functionality for CS:Go servers lists it at 740 for gameid, yet the above website has 730 and some other big number for the main game. What should I be using here for the gameid?
  15. Any talk of getting steamcmd in the beta for v2? I know it is in v1.
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