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Karl Thomas

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Everything posted by Karl Thomas

  1. You will need to update your panel to 2.0.120 its the new option to disable "Variables could not be read" message or you could try change the 1 to a 0 on line 350 of the xml file
  2. I created this config for anyone to use you may want to change some things have not tryed the rcon yet or query i have also setup the Configuration Editor dayz - Windows.xml
  3. Thank you for adding the option to disable "Variables could not be read" message
  4. No i think you will need to put the arkit.py in the TCAdmin2\Monitor\Shared\Lib folder if im not mistaken
  5. I had a bettter look at the ark mod downloader and it wont work without editing the .py file becuase it coded to the ark mod directory however i downloaded a DnL mod with just steamcmd it was not in a .z file this is what i used @echo off REM 529180 is the game id REM 1402919630 is the mod id D:\TCAdmin2\TCAFiles\Users\SteamCmd\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +workshop_download_item 529180 1402919630 +quit
  6. I have never done anything with Dark and Light but you can get the exe from here https://github.com/barrycarey/Ark_Mod_Downloader/raw/master/dist/Ark_Mod_Downloader.exe i had this setup for ark i just use batch script to download the mod Ark_Mod_Downloader.exe --steamcmd "D:\TCAdmin2\TCAFiles\Users\SteamCmd" --workingdir %ThisService_RootDirectory% --modid %ThisService_Modid% i have Script parameter checked for the %ThisService_Modid% variable so when they run the script they get a text box and they just enter the modid
  7. You could use Ark Mod Downloader https://github.com/barrycarey/Ark_Mod_Downloader it will download the mod via the id and extract the .z file
  8. Check this out it will automatically create a database http://help.tcadmin.com/Automatically_Create_a_MySQL_Database from System import String from TCAdmin.SDK.Mail import MailMessage message = MailMessage() message.AddTo(ThisUser.Email1) message.Subject = "Your mysql database details" message.TextBody = String.Empty message.HtmlBody = String.Format("Ip:<br/>Port: 3306<br/>Database: {1}<br/>User: {1}<br/>Password: {2}<br/>You can access your database with phpMyAdmin from your control panel", ThisService.Variables["MySQLDatabase"], ThisService.Variables["MySQLUser"], ThisService.Variables["MySQLPassword"]) message.Send() Script.WriteToConsole("MySQL Database details sent check you email"); Script.WriteToConsole(""); You can also user this IronPython code to send the use a email with there login details
  9. if im correct it cant find srcds.exe so it hasn't copied it from the master folder of steam didn't download it have you got the steam app id set correctly?
  10. Karl Thomas

    New theme

    Is there anyone i can pay to make me a theme?
  11. I would like to be able to update mods without having to uninstall and reinstall i have many mods that have required base mod and for clients to update a base mod they need to uninstall multiple mod that require that mod just so they can update the base mod i think a simple "Update" button would be good so it just downloads it again or gets it from the TCA.MODS folder
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