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Everything posted by DeteCT0R

  1. Now i can click the sync but after i press OK thats happen.
  2. Idk why but i can click the fastdl sync button(on the side menu) the last button is the fastdl sync.
  3. Someone can confirm some things to work? -Fastdl sync ( I can click the icon) -Sub user cant view the servers ( got error page)
  4. Yeah now its work. Edit the requirement on wiki to require mono5
  5. Well i try this also lot of time but no didnt fix my issue. Check the ticket i sent a text file with error logs ( i think thats need for u)
  6. I see my dedicated server widget (ram/cpu usage etc) thats all.
  7. Finally i got MVC for linux. But when i setup i got infinite loading Most of the page does load. ( I have SSL with Nginx ) Because i got this error i cant test other things.
  8. Great now i can test on linux thankyou
  9. If they crash most of you linux debian server that means something wrong with you debian maybe some package missing. Temporary you can set up cronjob for reset the remote there is my cronjob. @weekly /home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart @weekly /home/tcadmin/Monitor/serviceman-service restart You can edit. Check you system how often is tcadmin crash and edit cron to restart like every hour or every day . My best answer is to setup 1 dedi with other OS like ubuntu and check it if its crash also. If it crash other OS also you have to contact to the support because most of the people here does have source to check what is wrong
  10. When i first time installed tcadmin on my root server some time its crashed but when i configured tcadmin to run with nginx then it running fine without crash. What OS do you using?
  11. The best if you send ticket to support! Then you got answer maybe some dev can check it for u.
  12. Probably dump quest but where i can enable beta updates?
  13. Im just wondering some time the tcadmin itself eat 10gb ram or more. Im using ubuntu 18.04. When i reset the hole tcadmin its go back to 4gb - 5gb ram usage.(actually 4-5gb no problem) The actual quest when i reset the tcadmin itself the server which is running with tcgame user its also gonna reseted? or keep running. (im actually setup a cronjob for every day reset)
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