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Everything posted by DeteCT0R

  1. DeteCT0R

    MySql Manager

    MariaDB a fork from mysql so its the same for structure. Only minor performance the different. Redis other hands it used for website no one game server is using i think for cache.
  2. The title says it csgo. But in the instruction step 3 its says ARK. Did u forgote to change?
  3. Actually i does remember correctly i dont have anymore TCadmin :D. Its a simple alert with the current time. I did it on version 2.0.127 probably now has more option to do.
  4. You can also integrate the front page if you have "Page" app. I have also a land page in my IPB forum.
  5. There is a "default" dark theme. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9377-dark-theme/ https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9383-night-mode-theme/ Both free. The white is burning my eyes. Nowdays everyone using dark theme
  6. I will recommend use forum only. Discord is a nice tool but not for TCAdmin. Also keep it slow new forum. Discord? The best way to keep answer in one place for future reference. (If already swtiched from Vbulletin to IPB the discord will kill the forum fully) Its enough update for 2-3 year
  7. Actually IPB has own converter. So probably thats why went fast Im using IPB myself also i like it but yeah i feel the rush here ?
  8. Ipboard 4 has Resource manager also (Its called Download addon i think) You can check yourself IPB has using this Download addon for hosting addons. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/ Also its support multiple version you can choose which version want you to download. (Paid download also support). Ofcourse the IPB not cheap. Im using IPB almost 2 year it has great support also the hole IPB has source so you can modify what you want. (Also ha converter if you want switch from vb to ipb so everything one space)
  9. The relative executable need to set: Binaries\Win64\KFServer.exe Relativ Working Dir need to be: Binaries\Win64\ And there is the default command line. kf-bioticslab?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots] -Multihome=$[service.IpAddress] -Port=$[service.GamePort] -QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort] -WebAdminPort=$[service.CustomPort1] I didnt test because i does have windows server. But probably working. KF2 - Windows.xml
  10. You can use always use crontab for restarting all the staff what you need. @reboot /home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart @reboot /home/tcadmin/Monitor/serviceman-service restart (Use restart if the app already started or crashed its only restart.)
  11. Go to Settings/Servers/(Choose you master server) Then go to Game & Voice Settings You see the FastDL section. 1. Enable Fast DL 2. Fast Downloads Server (Choose local server if you does know what do you need) 3. Fast Downloads Save Path: Choose a location where all fastdl files placed(Must be access from outside) (Apache2/Nginx etc). 4. Fast Downloads URL: Give some url thats u like. (fastdl.yourhost.eu etc) After that you can go Settings/ Game teplates and choose your game and go to the FastDL tab and enable there also. You need to setup what do you want sync. But there you can found also: https://help.tcadmin.com/Fast_Downloads
  12. There some info how sould i compile?
  13. Popup message. Maybe in the future i can use better place. Currently its popup when the user click to Start/Stop/Restart. (Its say Command send and the time) Nothing special Just for fun.
  14. Did you have permission where u want to update? (Disk write failure) means you dont have permission or you HDD is crap. Or you dont have enough space.
  15. If the user in localhost mode that means nobody can connect there only from local. But you can add your remote server IP and thats will enough.
  16. DeteCT0R Bugs

    There is one more. If you click the Game Services button 2 or more time with Simple account(No admin) you got this. (I think only if you has 1 server in account)
  17. You can make a .bat file and edit the launch in tcadmin. Instead of launching the .exe file you run the .bat file.
  18. DeteCT0R Bugs

    If i want to check disk quota
  19. Yeah there i see. If there problem i will remove the map
  20. There is some code for custome game homepage not the best but its good to start learning For custome gametracker image: @if (Model.ServiceStatus == TCAdmin.Interfaces.Server.ServiceStatus.Running) { <img src="https://image.gametracker.com/images/maps/160x120/cs/@(Model.CurrentMap).jpg" style="height:150px;width:200px;" />} @if (Model.ServiceStatus == TCAdmin.Interfaces.Server.ServiceStatus.Stopped) { <img src="https://image.gametracker.com/images/maps/160x120/nomap.jpg" style="height:150px;width:200px;" />} For map: @(Html.Kendo().Map() .Name("map") .Center(47.5177557, 19.0580601) .Zoom(9) .Layers(layers => { layers.Add() .Type(MapLayerType.Tile) .UrlTemplate("http://#= subdomain #.tile.openstreetmap.org/#= zoom #/#= x #/#= y #.png") .Subdomains("a", "b", "c") .Attribution("© <a href='http://osm.org/copyright'>OpenStreetMap contributors</a>"); }) .Markers(markers => { markers.Add() .Location(47.5177557, 19.0580601) .Shape(MapMarkersShape.PinTarget) .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip.Content("Budapest, Victor Hugo")); }) ) Some little edit need but you can use for custom game homepage.
  21. I already have most of the stuff translated from english my language but a searchbox in the translate section would be nice.
  22. I think its the perfect balance currently. 15$ not that much every month. Also if you have enough powerful server you can sell 1/2 server for close friends and that 15$ is cooming back fast. Before i come to Tcadmin i check lot of control panel but currently this is the number1 which is actully working and has active developer and does have limitation. If the 15$ is too much you can search free panel or use terminal instead. Currently for 15$ you got fully functional tcadmin with everything if its gonna start stripping that would be hurt for someone. I have also gaming community.
  23. I think you need update the mono or .net(on windows) Mono 5.x need.
  24. I think its not fixed. Some time i feel SFTP faster that tcadmin ftp server also the normal ftp server looks like faster.
  25. Looking good Looks like now we cant play with game servers home page
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